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Tel: 010-62751179 Fax:86-010-62751179
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个人简历 人才培养 科学研究 教研成果




1995~1998, 中国科学院植物研究所, 博士生(生态学)

1989~1992, 华东师范大学地理系, 硕士生(自然地理)

1985~1989, 华东师范大学地理系, 本科(地理学)


2016 ~,正规赌博平台-推荐可靠的网络赌博平台 ,教授,博士生导师

2012.10~2013.7, 美国加州大学Irvine分校生态与进化生物学系,高级访问学者


2000~2016, 北京大学城市与环境科学系/学院,讲师、副教授

1998~2000, 北京大学城市与环境科学系,博士后

1992~1995, 中科院武汉植物研究所,助研



















Forest Ecosystems (Q1, IF=3.8), Associate editor, 2015 ~

Ecological Processes (Q1, IF=4.6), Associate editor, 2022 ~

Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Q1, IF=3.2), Editorial board member, 2017 ~

Forests (Q2, IF=2.4), Editorial board member, 2023 ~

Phil Trans Roy Soc B: Biology (Q1, IF=5.4), Editorial board member, 2019 ~

生物多样性,中文核心期刊,编委, 2014 ~

广西植物,中文核心期刊,编委,2022 ~

期刊专辑/专栏特邀编委(Guest editor):

Forests. 2025. Special issue. "Pattern and Evolution of Biodiversity in Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests".

Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B, 2024. Special issue, "Novel Fire Regimes under Climate Changes and Human Influences: Impacts, Ecosystem Responses and Feedbacks"(in Press).

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 8. Special issue, "Temporal Patterns and Mechanisms of Biodiversity across Scales in East Asia"

Journal of Geograhical Science, 2019, 29(7). Special issue, "Mountain Landscape and Biodiversity Conservation"

Forest Ecology & Management, 2015, 356. Special section, "Forest Fire and Ecological Impacts in China"

Chinese Science Bulletin 2014, 25(3). Special section, "The Interaction between Climate Change and Biodiversity in China"

Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(1). Special issue, "Structure and Function of Network in Landscape"

生物多样性,2023,31(11)专辑. "亚热带半湿润常绿阔叶林植物多样性"

生物多样性, 2016, 24(4)专辑. "中国西南干旱河谷植被与植物多样性"


中国生态学会高寒生态专委会,委员(2020 - )

中国林学会森林生态分会,常务理事(2018 - )

中国地理学会生物地理学专业委员会,秘书长 (2017 - ),副主任(2022 - 2023)

国际景观生态协会中国分会(IALE-China),副理事长 (2017 -2023 )

中国生态学会景观生态学专业委员会,副主任(2016 - )

北京市生态学会,理事 (2011- )



中国生态学学会2017年度 “生态学优秀科技工作者”






欢迎热爱景观生态和生物地理学的本科生参加研究组,开展本科科研计划和/或本科毕业论文研究 !!!


1. 景观生态学,本科生选修,2学分,36学时

2. 景观生态学专题,研究生选修,2学分,36学时



姓  名   出站年份  研究主题

杨  柳   2023  生态系统过程与服务的多尺度研究

王学经  2024  气候和环境变化对物种扩散和土壤种子库的影响


姓 名 毕业年份 毕业论文题目

刘 晔,2015,中国西南干旱河谷植被与植物多样性格局

许 玥,2016,中国亚热带常绿木本植物多样性的地理格局与成因






姓   名 毕业年份 毕业论文题目

吕   楠,2005,三峡大老岭山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林种子扩散时空格局初步研究

赵   俊,2006,香溪河流域土地利用/覆盖的时空格局(1989~2002)及其环境解释



李   果,2009,常绿树种水丝梨(Sycopsis sinensisOliv.)分布区北缘种群的空间遗传结构研究

梁   军,2010,滇西北三江并流区域的土地利用/覆盖及景观破碎化时空格局研究




杨   阳,2016,云南白马雪山上下树线树木生长的气候限制

韩   杰,2017,云南滇中高原森林火后植物群落构建过程与物种维持机制




杨   康,2020,中国裸子植物的Beta多样性格局与成因研究

张   杰,2020,三峡大老岭山地森林群落种子雨的时空格局与影响因子



赵   福,2022,云岭山脉的植物多样性多尺度格局与群落构建机制







2010. 沈利峰,王韬,杨柳,三江并流地区公路建设对植物多样性的影响。校长基金

2014. 王   馨. 中国民族语言多样性的地理格局与成因。本科拔尖计划

2017. 王馨培. 中国裸子植物和恐龙化石物种多样性地理格局与解释。本科拔尖计划

2019. 杨庚宸. 基于生态位演化的当归属Angelica L.东西部分支种化格局。本科拔尖计划




野火体系(wildfire regime)及其生态系统响应与适应;气候变化和人类活动对林火的影响;野火与生态系统碳循环;火灾预警。












      Mastercycler PCR仪;5415R高速冷冻离心机;FastPrep-24 DNA萃取仪


      Vantage Pro2 自动气候观测仪;U12温度记录仪;TidbiT@v2袖珍温度记录仪;EM-50土壤温度记录仪











Fang JY, Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY. Exploring patterns of plant diversity in China’s mountains. In Spehn EM, K?rner C. eds. Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity. CRC Press, New York, 2009.
陈利顶,李秀珍,沈泽昊,王根绪,常禹,吴志锋,吴健生. 景观生态学研究。见:中国科学技术协会主编,生态学学科发展报告(2011-2012)。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2012.
张建军,沈泽昊,曹国斌 (主编). 湖北赛武当国家级自然保护区生物多样性。北京出版社,2012.

James A. Clark著,沈泽昊等译. 面向生态学数据的贝叶斯统计:层次模型、算法及R编程。北京:科学出版社,2013.
朴世龙,刘鸿雁,沈泽昊,牛书丽,彭建. 全球变化与陆地生态系统. 见: 冷疏影主编,地理科学三十年。北京:科学出版社,2016
Shen ZH. Mountain Biogeography. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M.M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, R.A. Marston. eds. 2017. The International Encyclopedia of Geography. John Wiley & Sons, Doi: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0369. (美国地理学会组织)
沈泽昊,张志明,周伟奇. 第四章. 景观结构与格局。见:曾辉,陈利顶,丁圣彦主编. 景观生态学。北京:高等教育出版社,2017,pp: 80-106

沈泽昊,刘雪华. 景观生态学与生物多样性. 见:中国生态学学会编著. 2016-2017景观生态学学科发展报告。 北京:中国科学技术出版社, 2017。

王根绪,沈泽昊,王文志,常瑞英. 山地景观生态研究。见:中国生态学学会编著. 2016-2017景观生态学学科发展报告。 北京:中国科学技术出版社。

Shen ZH, Malanson GP, Zhang JL, Yao M. eds. Temporal Patterns and Mechanisms of Biodiversity across Scales in East Asia. eBook, Lausanne: Froniers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88971-080-5. 2021



Luo CF, Shen ZH*, Wang XP, Xiahou MJ, Xie YY, Yang T, Pausas JG. (2024) The effects of fire frequency on leaf and bark flammability strategies in subtropical semi-humid evergreen broadleaved forests in China. Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society B,已接受

Shen ZH, Rogers BM, Pausas JG, Kate, (2025) Novel fire regimes under climate changes and human influences: impacts, ecosystem responses and feedbacks. Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society B, 已接受

Xiahou MJ, Peng MC, Shen ZH*, Wen QZ, Wang CY, Liu YN, Zhang QY, Peng L, Yu CY, Ou XK, Fang JY. (2024) Vegetation mapping of Yunnan province by integrating remote sensing, field observations, and models. Science China: Earth Science, 已接受


Duan JH, Yang L, Tang T, Rao JS, Liu WC, Chen X, Li R, Shen ZH* (2024) Environment and management jointly shape the spatial patterns of plant species diversity of moist grasslands in the mountains of the Northeastern Yunnan. Pland Diversity, doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2024.04.005.

He JN, Shen ZH*, Ning CW, Zhang WT, Halik Ü* (2024) Elevational effects of climate warming on tree growth of the Picea schrenkiana forest in the Eastern Tianshan Mountains. Forests, doi.org/10.3390/f15122052

Li JT, Xie YT, Camarero JJ, Gazol A, de Andrés EG, Ying LX, Shen ZH*. (2024) Optimistic growth of marginal region plantations under climate warming: Assessing divergent drought resilience. Global Change Biology, 30: e17459.

Li JT, Xie YY, Wulan T, Gong J, Liu HY, Camarero JJ, Shi L, Yan LL, Xu CX, Jin TT, Shen ZH* (2024) Differentiated growth of the most widely planted conifer in response to extreme droughts across semi-arid regions in Northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 358, 110248.

Wang XJ, Zhou XH, Zhang MT, Donohue K, Hou M, Li JT, Ge WJ, Zhou HK, Ma L, Yang L, Bu HY*, Shen ZH*. (2024) Climate and plant traits alter the relationship between seed dispersal and seed dormancy in alpine environment. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 219, 105660.

Xie YY, Shen ZH*, Wang XJ, Yang L, Zhang J. (2024) Plant life form determines spatiotemporal variability and climate response of plant seed rain in subtropical forests. Forest Ecosystems, 11, 100181

Xie YY, Shen ZH*, Wang T, Malanson GP, Peñuelas J, Wang X, Chen XW, Liang EY, Liu HY, Yang MZ, Ying LX, Zhao F, Piao SL (2024) Uppermost global tree elevations are primarily limited by low temperature or insufficient moisture. Global Change Biology, 30:e17260.

Xie YY, Shen ZH*, Li JT, Zheng Y, Wulan T (2024) Scale dependence of forest fragmentation and its climate sensitivity in a semi-arid mountain: comparing Landsat, Sentinel and Google Earth data. Geography and Sustainability, 5, 200–210

Xiahou MJ, Shen ZH*, Yang T, Duan JH, Peng MC, Wang CY, Ou XK (2024) Biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration dominated vegetation dynamics during the 1980s-2010s in Yunnan, China. Biological Conservation, 299, 110798

Xiahou MJ, Liu YN, Yang T, Shen ZH* (2024) Estimating potential vegetation distribution and restoration in a biodiversity hotspot region under future climate change. Journal of Geographic Science, 34(11): 2128-2144.

Ying LX, Wang LJ, Huang X, Rao EM, Xiao Y, Zheng H, Shen ZH, Ouyang ZY. (2024) Climate change impairs the effects of vegetation improvement on soil erosion control in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Catena, 241, 108062

Malanson GP, Fagre DB, Butler DR, Shen ZH (2024) Alpine plant communities and current topographic microrefugia vary with regional climates. Geomorphology, 458, 109241

刘越强,沈泽昊*,李娜.(2024) 滇中高原半湿润常绿阔叶林斑块的鸟类多样性.应用生态学报,35(7): 1979-1987.

何佳宁,宁才文,张闻涛,玉米提·哈力克,沈泽昊.2024. 东天山北坡雪岭云杉种群结构动态的海拔格局.生态学报,44(12), doi.org/10.20103/ j.stxb.202304210824.

程生媛,沈泽昊,玉米提·哈力克,田奥磊,苏比努尔·沙吾尔丁. (2024)种子扩散与休眠关系研究文献计量与进展综述。生态学杂志,//link.cnki.net/urlid/21.1148.q. 20240227.0941.002


Xie YY, Li JT, Liu QM, Gong J, Wulan T, Zheng Y, Shen ZH*. 2023. Determinants of growth and carbon accumulation of common plantation tree species in the three northern regions, China: Responses to climate and management strategies. Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165831.

Li JT, Xie YY, Wulan T, Liu HY, Wang XJ, Zheng Y, Qi Q, Shen ZH*. 2023. Drought resilience of Mongolian Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) at the southernmost edge of its natural distribution: A comparison of natural forests and plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 542, 121104

He JN, Ning CW, Zhang WT, Halik ü, Shen ZH*. 2023. The effect of elevation on the population structure, spatial patterning and intraspecific interactions of Picea schrenkiana in the eastern Tianshan Mountains: A test of the stress gradient hypothesis. Forests, 14, 2092.

Yang L, Shen ZH*, Wang XJ, Wang SP, Xie YY, Larjavaara M, Zhang J, Li G *. 2023. Climate drivers of seed rain phenology of subtropical forest communities along an elevational gradient. International Journal of Biometeorology. doi: 10.1007/s00484-023-02481-9.

Xie YY, Shen ZH*, Li JT, Zheng Y, Wulan T. 2023. Scale dependence of forest fragmentation and its climate sensitivity in a semi-arid mountain: comparing Landsat, Sentinel and Google Earth data. Geography and Sustainability, doi: 10.1016/j.geosus.2023.11.008

Zu KL, Lenoir J, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Ji CJ, Zheng CY, Luo A, Song WQ, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L, Wang ZH* (2023). Elevation shift in seed plant distribution in China's mountains over the last 70 years. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32, 1098-1112.

沈泽昊*, 张健. (2023) 半湿润常绿阔叶林: 分布、结构与植物多样性特征。生物多样性,31(11): 23436

王晓凤,米湘成, 王希华, 杨涛, 江明喜, 张健, 沈泽昊*. 2023. 中国中亚热带东、中、西部6个常绿阔叶林动态监测样地群落木本植物多样性比较。生物多样性,31(11): 23296,

杨涛,沈泽昊*,王晓凤,饶杰生,刘文聪,田希,陈稀,张秋雨,刘倩,钱恒君,解宇阳,刘其明,徐衍潇,涂梦灵,单子铭,张玉坤,侯波,李建斌. 2023. 滇中高原亚热带半湿润常绿阔叶林大样地群及其植物群落多样性特征。生物多样性,31(11): 23238

刘文聪,田希,杨涛,饶杰生,王晓凤,钱恒君,涂梦灵,单子铭,沈泽昊*. 2023. 鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林主要木本物种的种群结构与更新特征。生物多样性,31(11): 23251

田希,刘文聪,饶杰生,王晓凤,杨涛,陈稀,张秋雨,刘其明,徐衍潇,张旭,沈泽昊*. 2023.鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林的林隙干扰格局与成因。生物多样性,31(11): 23219

王晓凤,饶杰生,杨涛,刘文聪,田希,陈稀,刘其明,徐衍潇,张秋雨,张洪强,张旭,欧晓昆,沈泽昊*. (2023) 鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林大样地群落木本植物多样性格局与环境解释。生物多样性,31(11): 23217

饶杰生,杨涛,田希,刘文聪,王晓凤,钱恒君,沈泽昊*. (2023) 基于背包Lidar的半湿润常绿阔叶林及常见树种的垂直结构特征。生物多样性,31(11): 23216

罗彩访,杨涛,张秋雨,王馨培,沈泽昊*. (2023) 滇中半湿润常绿阔叶林群落功能多样性及其影响因子。生物多样性,31(11): 23215

左艳洁,彭明春,王崇云,沈泽昊,李永萍,周新茂,周杰,周光信,任佳昕,刘忠安. 2023. 滇中高原半湿润常绿阔叶林的岛屿化与物种多样性。生物多样性,31(11): 23252


Rao WG, Shen ZH*, Duan XW. 2022. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of soil erosion in Yunnan, Southwest China: RULSE assessments for recent 30 years and future predictions based on CMIP6. Catena. doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106703.

Su YJ, Guo QH, Guan HC, Hu TY, Jin SC, Wang ZH, Liu LL, Jiang L, Guo K, Xie ZQ, An HZ, Chen XL, Hao ZQ , Hu YM, Huang YM, Jiang MX, Li JX, Li ZJ, Li XK, Li XW, Liang CZ, Liu RL, Liu Q, Ni HW, Peng SL, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Tian XJ, Wang XH, Wang RQ, Xie YZ, Xu XN, Yang XB, Yang YC, Yu LF, Yue M, Zhang F, Chen J, Ma KP. 2022. Human-climate coupled changes in vegetation community complexity of China since the 1980s. Earth's Future. 10(7): e2021EF002553.

Wang XY, Wang T*, Xu JF, Shen ZH, Yang YP, Chen AP, Wang SP, Liang RY, Piao SL. 2022. Enhanced habitat loss of the Himalayan endemic flora driven by warming-forced upslope tree expansion. Nature Ecology & Evolution, DOI:10.1038/s41559-022-01744-3.

Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Cao J, Guan PG, Luo CF, Peng XZ. 2022. Spatiotemporal variations of the regional effects of Western Pacific and Indian Ocean warm pools: Evidences from the wildfire responses in Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2022GL098797.

Zhao F, Yang T, Luo CF, Rao WG, Yang GC, Li G*, Shen ZH*. 2022. Comparing elevational patterns of taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity of woody plants reveal the asymmetry of community assembly mechanisms on a mountain in the Hengduan Mountains region. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, 10, 869258, Doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.869258

Xie YY, Yang T, Wang XF, Chen X, Pang SX, Hu J, Wang AX, Chen L, Shen ZH*. 2022. Applying a portable backpack lidar to measure and locate trees in a nature forest plot: accuracy and error analyses. Remote Sensing, 14, 1806. Doi.org/10.3390/rs14081806

Luo CF, Shen ZH*, Yang K, Wang XP, Jiang YX. 2022. Modifying regeneration strategies classification to enhance the understanding of dominant species growth in a fire-prone forest in SW China. Forest Ecosystems, Doi.org/10.1016/j.fecs.2022.100009.


Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Luo CF, Guan PG, PengXZ. 2021. Relative humidity and agricultural activities dominate wildfire ignitions in Yunnan, Southwest China: Patterns, thresholds, and implications. Agricutltural and Forestry Meteorology, 307(2021): 198540
Wang YP, Shen ZH*. 2021. Comparing Luojia 1-01 and VIIRS nighttime light data in detecting urban spatial structure using a threshold-based kernel density estimation . Remote Sensing, 13, 1574. //doi.org/10.3390/rs13081574

Shen ZH*, Malanson GP, Yao M, Zhang JL. 2021. Minireview and editorial - Temporal patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity across scales in East Asia.  Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, //doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.662454.


Wang CY, Wu DN, Shen ZH*, Peng MC, Ou XK. 2020. How do physical and social factors affect urban landscape patterns in intermountain basins in Southwest China? Landscape Ecology, DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01182-7.

Pausas J, Su WH, Luo CF, Shen ZH*. 2020. A shrubby resprouting pine with serotinus cones endemic to southwest China. Ecology, DOI: 10.1002/ECY.3282.

Luo CF, Shen ZH*, Li YY, Han J, Pausas JG, Xu Q, Zhang ZM, Jiang YX. 2020. Determinants of post–fire regeneration demography in a subtropical monsoon–climate forest in Southwest China. Science of Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142605

Li YY, Shen ZH*. Roles of dispersal limit and environmental filtering in shaping the 3 spatiotemporal patterns of invasive alien plant diversity in China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. DOI:10.3389/fevo.2020.544670.

Li G, Xiao NW, Luo ZL, Liu DM, Zhao ZP, Guan X, Zang CX, Li JS*, Shen ZH*. Identifying conservation priority areas for gymnosperm species under climate change in China. Biological Conservation, //doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108914.

Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Zhang JL, Zang RG, Jiang YX. 2020. The effects of multi-scale climate variability on biodiversity patterns of Chinese evergreen broad-leaved woody plants: growth form matters. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.540948

Xie YY, Zhang J, Chen XW, Pang SX, Zeng H, Shen ZH*, 2020. Accuracy assessment and error analysis for diameter at breast height measurement of trees obtained using a novel backpack LiDAR system. Forest Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1186/s40663-020-00237-0

Ying LX, Dong ZJ, Wang J, Mei YC, Shen ZH, Zhang Y. 2020. Rural economic benefits of land consolidation in mountainous and hilly areas of southeast China: Implications for rural development. Journal of Rural Studies, 74(1), DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.01.007.

Song SS, Zhu JL, Zheng TL, Tang ZY, Zhang F, Ji CJ, Shen ZH, Zhu JX. 2020. Long-term grazing exclusion reduces species diversity but increases community heterogeneity in an alpine grassland. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00066

Su YJ, Guo QH, Hu TY, Guan HC, Jin SC, An SZ, Chen XL, Guo K, Hao ZQ, Hu YM, Huang YM, Jiang MX, Li JX, Li ZJ, Li XK, Li XW, Liang CZ, Liu RL, Liu Q, Ni HW, Peng SL, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Tian XJ, Wang XH, Wang RQ, Xie ZQ, Xie YZ, Xu XN, Yang XB, Yang YC, Yu LF, Yue M, Zhang F, Ma KP. 2020. An updated Vegetation Map of China (1:1000000). Science Bulletin, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2020.04.004

岳超,罗彩访,常禹,舒立福,沈泽昊*,2020. 全球变化背景下的野火研究综述。生态学报,40(2): 385-401。

方精云,郭柯,王国宏,唐志尧,谢宗强,沈泽昊王仁卿,强胜,梁存柱,达良俊,于丹. 2020. 《中国植被志》的植被分类系统、植被类型划分及编排体系。植物生态学报,44(2): 96-110。

郭柯,方精云,王国宏,唐志尧,谢宗强,沈泽昊,王仁卿,王仁卿,强胜,梁存柱,达良俊,于丹. 2020. 中国植被分类系统修订方案。植物生态学报,44(2): 111-127。

王国宏,方精云,郭柯,谢宗强,唐志尧,王仁卿,沈泽昊,王襄平,王德利,强胜,于丹,彭少麟,达良俊,刘庆,梁存柱. 2020. 《中国植被志》编研内容与规范。植物生态学报,44(2): 128-178


Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Yang MZ, Piao SL. 2019. Wildfire detection probability of MODIS fire products under the constraint of environmental factors: A study based on confirmed ground wildfire records. Remote Sensing, 11, 3031; doi:10.3390/rs11243031.

Shen ZH, Li YY, Yang K, Chen LF. 2019. The emerging cross-disciplinary studies of landscape ecology and biodiversity in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(7): 1063-1080

Chen LF, Dou Q, Zhang ZM, Shen ZH*. 2019. Moisture content variations in soil and plants of post-fire regenerating forests in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(7): 1179-1192.

Xu Y#, Shen ZH*#, Ying LX, Zang RG, Jiang YX, 2019. Effects of current climate, paleo-climate and habitat heterogeneity in determining biogeographical patterns of evergreen broad-leaved woody plants in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(7): 1142-1158.

Wang YS, Li CN, Shen ZH, Rui JP, Jin DC, Li JB, Li XZ. 2019. Community assemblage of free-living diazotrophs along the elevational gradient of Mount Gongga. Soil Ecological Letters, 1(3-4): 136–146

Song J , Liu Z , Zhang Y , Yan T , Shen ZH, Piao SL . 2019. Effects of wildfire on soil respiration and its heterotrophic and autotrophic components in a montane coniferous forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(2): 336-345.


Li J#, Shen ZH#, Li CN, Kou YP, Iannone III BV, Knott J, Chown SL., 2018. AStare-step pattern of soil bacterial diversity mainly driven by pH and vegetation types along the elevation gradient of Gongga Mountain, China. Frontiers in Microbiology - Terrestrial Microbiology, doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00569

Ying LX, Han J, Du YS, Shen ZH*, 2018. Forest fire characteristics in China: Spatial patterns and determinants with thresholds.Forest Ecology and Management, 424: 345-35

Han J, Shen ZH*, Li YY, Luo CF, Xu Q, Yang K, Zhang ZM. 2018. Beta diversity patterns of post-fire forests in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China: disturbances intensify the priority effect in the community assembly. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01000.

Guo QF, Fei SL, Shen ZH, Iannone III B, Chown SL. 2018. A global analysis of elevational distributions of nonnative vs. native plants. Journal of Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13145.


沈泽昊*,杨明正,冯建孟,李新辉,彭培好,郑智. 2017. 中国高山植物区系地理格局与影响因素。生物多样性,25(2):182-194

Liu YP, Shen ZH, Wang QG, Su XY, Zhang WJ, Shrestha N, Xu XT, Wang ZH. 2017. Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: Implications for the conservation of valuable ornamental plant family Gesneriaceae in China. Diversity and Distribution, 23: 235-246

Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Wang ZH, Zang RG, Jiang YX, Hotspot analyses indicate substantial conservation gaps for evergreen broadleaved woody plants in China. Scientific Report, DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-02098-0.

李道新,李果,沈泽昊*,徐慎东,韩勤愈,王功芳,田风雷. 2017. 植物生长型显著影响三峡大老岭地区木本植物种子重量的海拔格局。植物生态学报,41(5): 539-548


Yang Y, Shen ZH*, Han J, Zhongyong C. 2016. Plant diversity along the eastern and western slopes of Baima Snow Mountain, China. Forests, 7, 89-105.

Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Ying LX, Ciais P, Liu HY, Piao LS, Wen C, Jiang YX. 2016. The exposure, sensitivity and vulnerability of natural vegetation in China to climate thermal variability (1901 –2013): An indicator-based approach. Ecological Indicators. 63: 258-272.

Ying LX, Zhang TT, Chiu QA, Chen TY, Luo SJ, Chen XY, Shen ZH*. 2016. The phylogeography of Fagus hayatae (Fagaceae) in China: genetic isolation among populations. Ecology and Evolution, 6(9): 2805-2816.

Li BG, T Gasser, P Ciais, Sl Piao, S Tao, Y Balkanski, D Hauglustaine, J-P Boisier, Z Chen, M Huang, LZ Li, Y Li, H Liu, J Liu, S Peng, Shen ZH, ZZ Sun, R Wang, TWang, GD Yin, Y Yin, H Zeng, ZZ Zeng & F Zhou. 2016. The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing. Nature, 531: 357-361

韩杰, 应凌霄,李贵祥,沈泽昊*. 2016. 云南松混交林火烧迹地更新早期草本层物种多样性的空间格局. 植物生态学报,40(3): 200-211

沈泽昊*, 2016. 中国西南干旱河谷的植物多样性: 区系和群落结构的空间分异与成因. 生物多样性,24(4): 363-366

沈泽昊*,张志明,胡金明,韩杰,杨济达,应凌霄, 2016.西南干旱河谷植物多样性资源的保护与利用. 生物多样性,24(4): 475-488

刘晔,朱鑫鑫,沈泽昊*, 孙航, 2016.中国西南干旱河谷植被的区系地理成分与空间分异. 生物多样性,24(4): 367-377

刘晔,李鹏,许玥,石松林,应凌霄,张婉君,彭培好,沈泽昊*, 2016.中国西南干旱河谷植物群落的数量分类和排序分析. 生物多样性,24(4): 378-388

许玥,李鹏,刘晔,张婉君,秦思雨,沈泽昊*, 2016.怒江河谷入侵植物与乡土植物丰富度的分布格局与影响因子. 生物多样性,24(4): 389-398

李新辉,刘延虹,刘晔,许玥,杨阳,沈泽昊*, 2016.地理距离及环境差异对云南元江干热河谷植物群落beta 多样性的影响. 生物多样性,24(4): 399-406

刘晔,许玥,石松林,彭培好,沈泽昊*, 2016.金沙江干旱河谷植物群落的数量分类及其结构分异的环境解释. 生物多样性,24(4): 407-420

韩杰,沈泽昊*,石松林,彭培好, 2016.雅砻江和大渡河干旱河谷植被物种多样性比较: 气候、地形与空间的影响. 生物多样性,24(4): 421-430

杨阳,韩杰,刘晔,忠永茨仁,石松林,斯那此里,许玥,应凌霄,张婉君,沈泽昊*, 2016.三江并流地区干旱河谷植物物种多样性海拔梯度格局比较. 生物多样性,24(4): 440-452

应凌霄,刘晔,陈绍田,沈泽昊*, 2016.气候变化情景下基于最大熵模型的中国西南地区清香木潜在分布格局模拟. 生物多样性,24(4): 453-461

杨济达,张志明,沈泽昊,欧晓昆,耿宇鹏,杨明玉, 2016.云南干热河谷植被与环境研究进展. 生物多样性,24(4): 462-474

杨阳,沈泽昊,郑天立,丁雨賝,李本纲*. 2016. 中国当前城市空气综合质量的主要影响因素分析。北京大学学报,52(6): 1102-1108


Xu Y, Shen ZH*, Li DX, Guo QF. 2015. Pre-Dispersal seed predation in a species-rich forest community, Patterns and the interplay with determinants. PLoS ONE. 10(11): e0143040, doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0143040

Han J, Shen ZH*, Ying LX. 2015. Early post-fire regeneration of a fire-prone subtropical Pinus mixed forest in Yunnan, southwest China: the effects of pre-fire vegetation, fire severity and topographic factors. Forest Ecology & Management. 356: 31–40

Ying LX, Piao SL, Shen ZH*. 2015. The recent hiatus in global warming of the land surface: Scale-dependent breakpoint occurrences in space and time. Geophysical Research Letters. 42,6471–6478

Shen ZH*, Fang JY, Chiu CA & Chen TY. 2015. The geographical distribution and differentiation of Chinese beech forests and the association with Quercus. Applied Vegetation Science, 18(1): 23-33; doi: 10.1111/avsc.12108

Adams M, Shen ZH. 2015. Introduction to the Characteristics, impacts and management of forest fire in China. Forest Ecology & Management, 356: 1


Shen ZH*, Wang YL, Fu BJ. 2014, Corridors and networks in landscape: structure, functions and ecological effects. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 1–4. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0000-0

Liang J, Liu Y, Ying LX, Li P, Xu Y, Shen ZH*. 2014, Do higher level roads have larger impacts on the mountain landscape? A case study of the Three Parallel Rivers Region. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 15–27. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014000-0

Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Chen JD, Fang R, Chen XP, Jiang R. 2014, Spatio-temporal patterns of road network in Three Parallel Rivers region in China and road development priority: an evaluation based on modified kernel distance estimate. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 24(1): 39–49. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0000-0

Shen ZH*, Ma KP. 2014. Effects of climate change on biodiversity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(34): 4637-4638, doi: 10.1007/s11434-014-0654-2

Ying LX, Shen ZH*, Piao SL, Malanson G. 2014, Terrestrial surface-area increment: the effects of topographic complexity, DEM resolution and algorithm. Physical Geography. 35(4): 297-312, doi:org/10.1080/ 02723646.2014.886923

Liu Y, Xu Y, Zhang FC, Yun JQ, Shen ZH*. 2014. The impact of biofuel plantation on biodiversity: a review. Chinese Science Bulletin. 59(34): 4639-4651, doi: 10.1007/s11434-014 -0639-1

Qiu CJ, Shen ZH*, Peng PH, Mao LF, Zhang XS. 2014. How does contemporary climate versus climate change velocity affect endemic plant species richness in China? Chinese Science Bulletin , 59(34): 4660-4667; doi: 10.1007/s11434-014-0640-8.

Zeng ZZ, Chen AP, Piao SL, Rabin S, Shen ZH. 2014. Environmental determinants of tropical forest and savanna distribution: A quantitative model evaluation and its implication. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi.10.1002/2014JG002627

Wu X, Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Xia XL, Fang JY. 2014. The relationship between species richness and biomass changes from boreal to subtropical forests in China. Ecography, doi:10.1111/ecog.00940


Peng SS, Piao SL, Shen ZH, Ciais P, Sun ZZ, Chen SP, Bacour C, Peylin P, Chen A. 2013. Precipitation amount, seasonality and frequency regulate carbon cyclying of a semi-arid grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China: A modeling analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meterology, 178-179: 46-55

刘晔,沈利峰,王韬,房锐,姜睿,沈泽昊*. 2013. 滇西北三江并流地区公路沿线紫茎泽兰的入侵格局及影响因素。公路交通科技(应用技术版),101, 284 - 288.

沈利峰,王韬,刘晔,房锐,姜睿,沈泽昊*. 2013. 怒江流域外来入侵植物的分布及其影响因素。公路交通科技(应用技术版), 101, 289 - 293.


Shen ZH*, Fei SL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Liu ZL, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wu XP, Zheng CY, Zhu B and Fang JY. 2012. Geographical patterns of community-based tree species richness in Chinese mountain forests: the effects of contemporary climate and regional history. Ecography 35: 1134–1146

Chiu CA, Lin PH, Hsu CK, Shen ZH*. 2012, A novel thermal index improves prediction of vegetation zones: Associating temperature sum with thermal seasonality. Ecological Indicators, 23: 668-674

Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Feng JM, Liu YN, Qiao X, Wu X and Zheng C. 2012. Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China. Ecography 35: 1059–1071

Qiao XJ, Tang ZY, Shen ZH and Fang JY 2012. What causes geographical variation in the species–area relationships? A test from forests in China. Ecography 35: 1110–1116.

Tang ZY, Fang JY, Chi XL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Shen ZH, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Wu XP, Zheng CY and Gaston KJ. 2012. Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China. Ecography 35: 1083–1091

Wang XP, Tang ZY, Shen ZH, Zheng CY, Luo JC and Fang JY. 2012. Relative influence of regional species richness vs. local climate on local species richness in China’s forests. Ecography 35: 1176–1184

Fei SL, Liang F, Paillet L, Steiner KC, Fang JY, Shen ZH, Wang ZH, Hebard FV. 2012. Modelling chestnut biogeography for American chestnut restoration. Diversity and Distributions 18: 754-768.

许玥,沈泽昊*,吕楠,唐园园,李道新,王功芳,谭家麟,刘益平. 2012. 湖北三峡大老岭自然保护区光叶水青冈群落种子雨10年观察:密度、物种构成与年际动态。植物生态学报,36(6). doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2012.00000

应凌霄,梁军,李鹏,刘晔,沈泽昊*. 2012. 滇西北三江并流地区道路网络发展(1989~2005)及其道路服务能力的空间格局评价。公路交通科技(应用技术版),12(96): 324-328


Shen ZH*, Li P, Pang L-H, Sun H-K. 2011. Geographical Patterns of Chinese Ethnic Minority Population Composition and Ethnic Diversity. Chinese Geographic Science, 21(4) 1–11

刘晔,沈泽昊*. 2011. 长江三峡库区昆虫物种丰富度的海拔梯度格局气候、土地利用与采样效应的影响。生态学报,31(19): 5663-5675


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沈泽昊*,吉成均. 2010. 景观遗传学原理及其在生境片段化研究中的应用。生态学报,30(18): 5066-5076

张婉君,沈泽昊*. 2010. 台湾维管束植物物种丰富度的海拔梯度格局及对Rapoport法则的检验。生物多样性,18 (3): 312–322

梁军,沈泽昊*. 2010. 关于种域的Rapoport法则检验、算法比较及中域效应消减——以云南无量山种子植物为例。山地学报, 28(5): 526-533


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Peng S, Piao SL, Wang T, Sun J, Shen ZH, 2009. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in different ecosystems in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 64: 32-39

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Zhang QF, Xu Z, Shen ZH, Li S, Wang S. 2009. The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer project (Middle Route) of China. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 148:369–377

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Malanson GP, Butler DR, Fagre DB, Walsh SJ, Tomback DF, Daniels LD, Resler LM, Smith WK, Weiss DJ, Peterson DL, Bunn AG, Hiemstra CA, Liptzin D, Bourgeron PS, Shen ZH, Millar CI. 2007. Alpine treeline of western North America: Linking organism-to-landscape dynamics. Physical Geography, 28: 378-396

Shen ZH*, Zhao Z. 2005. Arenaria shennongjiaensis, a new species of the Caryophyllaceae in Shennongjia, Hubei, China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 43 (1): 73-75

Wu J, Huang J, Han X, Gao X, He F, Jiang M, Jiang Z, Primack RB, and Shen ZH. 2004. The Three Gorges Dam: an ecological perspective. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment 2(5): 241–248

Shen ZH*, Fang J, Liu Z, Wu J. 2001. The Structure and Dynamics of Abies fabri Population near the Alpine Timberline in Hailuo Clough of Mt. Gongga. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43: 1288-1293.

Shen ZH*, Fang JY, Liu ZL, Wu J. 2001. Structure and dynamics of Abies fabri population near the alpine timberline in Hailuo Clough of Mt. Gongga. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43(12): 1288-1293.

Shen ZH*, Zhang X and Jin Y. 2000. A study on the classification of the plant functional types based on the topographical pattern of plant distribution. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 1190-1196

Shen ZH*, Zhang X and Jin Y. 2000. Spatial pattern analysis and topographical interpretation of species diversity in the forests of Dalaoling in the Three Gorges Region. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 326-433.

Shen ZH*, Zhang X. 2000. The spatial pattern and the topographical interpretation of the forest vegetation at Dalaoling region in the Three Gorges. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42: 1089-1095.

方精云,王襄平,沈泽昊,唐志尧,贺金生,于丹,江源,王志恒,郑成洋,朱江玲,郭兆迪. 2009. 植物群落清查的主要内容、方法和技术规范。生物多样性 17(6): 533–548

李果,沈泽昊*,应俊生,方精云,2009,中国裸子植物物种丰富度空间格局与多样性中心。生物多样性,17(3): 272-279

卢绮妍,沈泽昊*. 2009. 神农架海拔梯度上的植物种域分布特征。生物多样性 17: 644-651

牛克昌,刘怡宁,沈泽昊,何芳良,方精云. 2009. 群落构建的中性理论和生态位理论。生物多样性 17: 579-593

沈泽昊*,卢绮妍. 2009. 物种分布范围地理格局的Rapoport法则。生物多样性 17: 560-567

沈泽昊*,唐圆圆,李道兴. 2008. 啮齿类取食的物种偏好与时空格局。生态学报,28(12):6018-6024

顾胜,程晓莉,沈泽昊,张全发. 2007. 汉江上游小流域土地利用及水土流失初探。长江流域资源与环境,16:38-44

沈泽昊*,胡志伟,赵俊,王会. 2007. 安徽牯牛降的植物多样性垂直分布特征——兼论山顶效应的影响。山地学报,25(2):160-168

胡志伟,沈泽昊*,吕楠,赵俊,李道兴,陈华,王功芳. 2007. 地形对森林群落年龄及其空间格局的影响. 植物生态学报,31(5):814-824

沈泽昊*,赵俊. 2007. 基于植物—地形关系的物种丰富度空间格局预测——GAMs途径的一种应用。生态学报,27(3):953-963

沈泽昊*,张全发,岳超,赵俊,胡志伟,吕楠,唐园园. 2006. 南水北调中线水源区土地利用/土地覆被的空间格局。地理学报,61:633-644


沈泽昊*,胡会峰,周宇,方精云. 2004. 神农架南坡植物群落多样性的海拔梯度格局。生物多样性,12(2):237-244

方精云,沈泽昊,崔海亭. 2004. 试论山地的生态特征及山地生态学的研究内容. 生物多样性,12(1):10-19

方精云,沈泽昊,唐志尧. 2004. 探索我国山地的植物多样性分布规律――北京大学“中国山地植物物种多样性调查计划”及若干技术规范. 生物多样性,12(1):5-9

沈泽昊*,刘增力, 方精云. 2004. 贡嘎山海螺沟冷杉群落物种多样性与群落结构随海拔的变化。生物多样性,12(2):237-244

沈泽昊*,吕楠,赵俊,李道兴,王功芳. 2004.山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林种子雨的地形格局. 生态学报,24(9):1981-1987

沈泽昊*,刘增力,伍杰. 2004. 贡嘎山东坡植物区系的垂直分布格局。生物多样性,12(1):89-98


沈泽昊*. 2002. 山地森林样带植被-环境关系的多尺度研究。生态学报,22(4):461-470

沈泽昊*,李道兴,王功芳. 2002. 三峡大老岭山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林林隙干扰研究:II. 林隙干扰的地形格局。植物生态学报,26(2): 149~156

沈泽昊*, 方精云. 2001. 基于种群分布地形格局的两种水青冈的生态位比较研究。植物生态学报,25(4): 392~398

沈泽昊*,李道兴,王功芳. 2001. 三峡大老岭山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林林隙干扰研究:Ⅰ.林隙基本特征。植物生态学报,25(3): 276~282

沈泽昊*,张新时,金义兴. 2001. 三峡大老岭地区植物区系的垂直梯度分析。植物分类学报, 9(3): 260~ 268

沈泽昊*,方精云,刘增力,伍杰. 2001. 贡嘎山东坡植被带谱的物种多样性格局分析。植物生态学报,25(6): 721~732

沈泽昊*, 金义兴, 赵子恩等. 2000.亚热带山地森林珍稀植物群落的结构与动态。生态学报, 20(5): 800~ 807.

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沈泽昊*,金义兴,江明喜,1995,米心水青冈林人工林窗植被恢复的早期特征研究。植物学通报,12, 63-70。

沈泽昊*,1994,江苏洞庭东山果园生态系统分析与优化设计。武汉植物学研究,12: 137-144


1. 沈泽昊,彭明春,王崇云,柳俊彬。生物多样性信息数据管理系统,软件著作权,登记号:2019SR1233424;授权时间:2019年11月29日。

2. 彭明春,沈泽昊,王崇云,柳俊彬。生物多样性信息信息采集手机平台APP,软件著作权,登记号:2019SR1237589;授权时间:2019年11月29日
3. 王崇云,彭明春,沈泽昊,柳俊彬。生物多样性信息查询系统,软件著作权,登记号:2019SR1237661;授权时间:2019年11月29日