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个人简历 人才培养 科学研究 教研成果



学士 1983,农学,浙江农业大学(现浙江大学)

硕士 1988,农学,浙江农业大学

博士 1998,土壤学,浙江农业大学



04-13 中国农业大学资源与环境学院特聘教授

02-04 德国马普学会陆地微生物学研究所博士后

00-02 日本名古屋大学JSPS特别研究员

88-00 中国水稻研究所助理研究员

99 菲律宾国际水稻研究所研究项目顾问

95-98 菲律宾国际水稻研究所博士论文研究生

83-85 浙江省上虞农业局技术员


主任 中国土壤学会名词工作委员会

副主任 中国土壤学会土壤生物和生化专业委员会

副主任 中国生态学会微生物生态专业委员会

编委 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (ASM)

编委 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Wiley)

编委 Microbial Ecology (Springer)




土壤微生物学、 微生物地理学、生物地球化学。







1.Ma K, R Conrad, Y Lu*. 2013. Dry/wet cycles change the activity and population dynamics of methanotrophs in rice field soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79:4932-4939.

2.Cheng L, J Rui, Q Li, H Zhang, Y Lu*. 2013. Enrichment and dynamics of novel syntrophs in a methanogenic hexadecane-degrading culture from a Chinese oilfield. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 83:757-766

3.Gan Y, Q Qiu, P Liu, J Rui, Y Lu*. 2012. Syntrophic oxidation of propionate in rice field soil at 15 and 30°C under methanogenic conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78:4923-4932.

4.Conrad R, K Melanie, Y Lu, A Chidthaisong. 2012. Methanogenic pathway and archaeal communities in three different anoxic soils amended with rice straw and maize straw. Frontiers in Microbiology 3:4. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00004.

5.Conrad R, K Melanie, Q Yuan, Y Lu, A Chidthaisong. 2012. Stable carbon isotope fractionation, carbon flux partitioning and priming effects in anoxic soils during methanogenic degradation of straw and soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 49:193-199.

6.Lü Z, Y Lu*. 2012. Methanocella conradii sp. nov., a thermophilic, obligate hydrogenotrophic methanogen, isolated from Chinese rice field soil. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35279. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035279.

7.Lü Z, Y Lu*. 2012. Complete genome sequence of a thermophilic methanogen, Methanocella conradii HZ254, isolated from Chinese rice field soil. Journal of Bacteriology 194:2398-2399.

8.Ke X, Y Lu*. 2012. Adaptation of ammonia-oxidizing microbes to environment shift of paddy field soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 80:87-97.

9.Yuan Q, P Liu, Y Lu*. 2012. Differential responses of nirK- and nirS-carrying bacteria to denitrifying conditions in the anoxic rice field soil. Environmental Microbiology Reports 4:113-122.

10.Ma K, R Conrad, Y Lu*. 2012. Responses of methanogen mcrA genes and their transcripts to an alternate dry/wet cycle of paddy field soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:445-454.

11.Xu Y, K Ma, S Huang, L Liu, Y Lu*. 2012. Diel cycle of methanogen mcrA transcripts in rice rhizosphere. Environmental Microbiology Reports 4:655-663.

12.Cheng L, L Dai, X Li, H Zhang, Y Lu*. 2011. Isolation and characterization of Methanothermobacter crinale sp. nov., a novel hydrogenotrophic methanogen from the Shengli oil field. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:5212-5219.

13.Rui J, Q Qiu, Y Lu*. 2011. Syntrophic acetate oxidation under thermophilic methanogenic condition in Chinese paddy field soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 77:264–273.

14.Liu P, Q Qiu, Y Lu*. 2011. Syntrophomonadaceae-affiliated species as active butyrate-utilizing syntrophs in paddy field soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:3884-3887.

15.Ma K, Y Lu*. 2011. Regulation of microbial methane production and oxidation by intermittent drainage in rice field soil. FEME Microbiology Ecology 75: 446-456.

16.Yuan Y, R Conrad, Y Lu*. 2011. Transcriptional response of methanogen mcrA genes to oxygen exposure of rice field soil. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3:320-328.

17.Fan F, F Zhang, Y Lu*. 2011. Linking plant identity and interspecific competition to soil nitrogen cycling through ammonia oxidizer communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43: 46-54.

18.Lu Y*, R Conrad. 2010. Stable Isotope Probing and Plants. In: JC Murrell and A Whiteley (eds). Stable Isotope Probing and Related Technologies. ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp 151-163.

19.Ma K, Q Qiu, Y Lu*. 2010. Microbial mechanism for rice variety control on methane emission from rice field soil. Global Change Biology 16: 3085-3095.

20.Chen# Y, L Wu#, R Boden, A Hillebrand, D Kumaresan1, H Moussard, M Baciu, Y Lu, JC Murrell. 2009. Life without light: microbial diversity and evidence of sulfur- and ammonium-based chemolithotrophy in Movile Cave. The ISME Journal 3:1094 – 1104. (#shared first author)

21.Qiu Q, R Conrad, Y Lu*. 2009. Cross feeding of methane carbon among bacteria on rice roots revealed by DNA-stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology Reports 1:355 – 361.

22.Rui J, J Peng, Y Lu*. 2009. Succession of bacterial populations during plant residue decomposition in rice field soil. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 75: 4879-4886.

23.Wang Y, X Ke, L Wu, Y Lu*. 2009. Community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in rice field soil as affected by nitrogen fertilization. Systematic & Applied Microbiology 32: 27-36.

24.Wu L, K Ma, Y Lu*. 2009. Prevalence of betaproteobacterial sequences in nifH gene pools associated with roots of modern rice cultivars. Microbial Ecology 57: 58-68.

25.Wu L, K Ma, Y Lu*. 2009. Rice roots select for type I methanotrophs in rice field soil. Systematic & Applied Microbiology 32: 421-428

26.Wu L, K Ma, Q Li, X Ke, Y Lu*. 2009. Composition of archaeal community in a paddy field as affected by rice cultivar and N fertilizer. Microbial Ecology 58:819 – 826.

27.Yuan Q, Y Lu*. 2009. Response of methanogenic archaeal community to nitrate addition in rice field soil. Environmental Microbiology Reports 1:362 – 369.

28.Yuan Y, R Conrad, Y Lu*. 2009. Responses of methanogenic archaeal community to oxygen exposure in rice field soil. Environmental Microbiology Reports 1:347 – 354.

29.Fan F, F Zhang, Z Qu, Y Lu*. 2008. Plant carbon partitioning below ground in the presence of different neighboring species. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40:2266-2272.

30.Peng J, Z Lü, J Rui, Y Lu*. 2008. Dynamics of the methanogenic archaeal community during plant residue decomposition in an anoxic rice field soil. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 74:2894-2901.

31.Qiu Q, M Noll, W-R Abraham, Y Lu, R Conrad. 2008. Applying stable isotope probing of phospholipid fatty acids and rRNA in a Chinese rice field to study activity and composition of the methanotrophic bacterial communities in situ. The ISME Journal 2:602-614.

32.Yang L, FS Zhang, RZ Mao, XT Ju, XB Cai, Y Lu*. 2008. Conversion of natural ecosystems to cropland increases the soil net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in Tibet. Pedosphere 18:699-706.

33.Lu Y, W-R Abraham, R Conrad. 2007. Spatial variation of active microbiota in the rice rhizosphere revealed by in situ stable isotope probing of phospholipid fatty acids. Environmental Microbiology 9:474-481.

34.Lu Y, D Rosencrantz, W Liesack, R Conrad. 2006. Structure and activity of bacterial community inhabiting rice roots and the rhizosphere. Environmental Microbiology 8: 1351-1360.

35.Lu Y, R Conrad. 2005. In situ stable isotope probing of methanogenic archaea in the rice rhizosphere. Science 309:1088-1090.

36.Lu Y, T Lueders, MW Friedrich, R Conrad. 2005. Detecting active methanogenic populations on rice roots using stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology 7:326-336.

37.Lu Y*, J Murase, A Watanabe, A Sugimoto, M Kimura. 2004. Linking microbial community dynamics to rhizosphere carbon flow in a wetland rice soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48:179-186.