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教师 题目 期刊
1 Marrkku Impact of rising temperatures on the biomass of humid old-growth forests of the world CARBON BALANCE AND MANAGEMENT
2 Marrkku Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems in Degraded Landscapes in West Java, Indonesia FORESTS
3 Marrkku What would a tree say about its size? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
4 Marrkku Wind and gravity shape Picea trunks. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
5 柴彦威 Delineation of an Urban Community Life Circle Based on a Machine-Learning Estimation of Spatiotemporal Behavioral Demand CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE
6 柴彦威 The diffusion and development of time-geography in East Asia: The academic life paths of two key scholars MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS
7 柴彦威 Associations of co-exposures to air pollution and noise with psychological stress in space and time: A case study in Beijing, China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
8 柴彦威 Do spatial factors outweigh institutional factors? Changes in influencing factors of home-work separation from 2007 to 2017 in Beijing JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
9 柴彦威 Understanding noise exposure, noise annoyance, and psychological stress: Incorporating individual mobility and the temporality of the exposure-effect relationship APPLIED GEOGRAPHY
10 柴彦威 Mobility-based environmental justice: Understanding housing disparity in real-time exposure to air pollution and momentary psychological stress in Beijing, China SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
11 陈彦光 An analytical process of spatial autocorrelation functions based on Moran's index PLOS ONE
12 陈彦光 Multifractal scaling analyses of urban street network structure: The cases of twelve megacities in China PLOS ONE
13 陈彦光 Characteristic Scales, Scaling, and Geospatial Analysis CARTOGRAPHICA
14 陈彦光 Spatial Signal Analysis Based on Wave-Spectral Fractal Scaling: A Case of Urban Street Networks APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
15 陈彦光 Exploring the level of urbanization based on Zipf s scaling exponent PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
16 陈彦光 Modeling Urban Growth and Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Hangzhou, China: 1964–2010 Sustainability
17 程和发 Chemical kinetic modeling of organic pollutant degradation in Fenton and solar photo-Fenton processes JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS
18 程和发 Effect of aging on stabilization of Cd and Ni by biochars and enzyme activities in a historically contaminated alkaline agricultural soil simulated with wet-dry and freeze-thaw cycling ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
19 程和发 Adsorption and desorption of phenylarsonic acid compounds on metal oxide and hydroxide, and clay minerals SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
20 程和发 Oxidation of Roxarsone Coupled with Sorptive Removal of the Inorganic Arsenic Released by Iron-Carbon (Fe-C) Microelectrolysis ACS ES&T ENGINEERING
21 程和发 Biochars and Engineered Biochars for Water and Soil Remediation: A Review SUSTAINABILITY
22 程和发 Opportunity and challenges in large-scale geothermal energy exploitation in China CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
23 程和发 Bioaccessibility and public health risk of heavy Metal(loid)s in the airborne particulate matter of four cities in northern China CHEMOSPHERE
24 程和发 A high-efficiency mediator-free Z-scheme Bi2MoO6/AgI heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
25 程和发 Z-scheme g-C3N4-AQ-MoO3 photocatalyst with unique electron transfer channel and large reduction area for enhanced sunlight photocatalytic hydrogen production APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL
26 程和发 Atmospheric mercury pollution caused by fluorescent lamp manufacturing and the associated human health risk in a large industrial and commercial city ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
27 程和发 Efficient Decomposition of Formaldehyde on Ni-Al Hydrotalcite/AlOOH Nanocomposites Decorated with Pt Nanoparticles at Ambient Temperature ChemNanoMat
28 程和发 Sorption of Four s-Triazine Herbicides on Natural Zeolite and Clay Mineral Materials with Microporosity Fundamental Research
29 方精云 Alien woody plant invasions in natural forests across China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
30 方精云 Reduced resilience of terrestrial ecosystems locally is not reflected on a global scale COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT
31 方精云 Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China's forests from tropical to boreal zone ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
32 方精云 Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in a subalpine spruce-fir forest in southwestern China Journal of Plant Ecology
33 方精云 The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY
34 方精云 Inconsistent responses of soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical forests Plant and Soil
35 方精云 Field‐based Estimation of Net Primary Productivity and Its Above‐ and Belowground Partitioning in Global Grasslands Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences
36 方精云 Above- and belowground biomass allocation and its regulation by plant density in six common grassland species in China Journal of Plant Research
37 冯健 Clustering in declining industries? The economic-social isolation and instability of migrant workers in Beijing HABITAT INTERNATIONAL
38 冯健 Modeling Urban Growth and Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Hangzhou, China: 1964–2010 Sustainability
39 冯长春 Out-migration, rural livelihood and housing in Southwest China GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT-DANISH JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY
40 郭庆华 Lidar Boosts 3D Ecological Observations and Modelings: A Review and Perspective IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE
41 郭庆华 Development and Performance Evaluation of a Very Low-Cost UAV-Lidar System for Forestry Applications REMOTE SENSING
42 郭庆华 UAV-lidar aids automatic intelligent powerline inspection INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
43 贺灿飞 Path transplantation: How to use the power of irrigation - a case study of the photovoltaic industry in China GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL
44 贺灿飞 Do not put eggs in one basket: related variety and export resilience in the post-crisis era Industrial and Corporate Change
45 贺灿飞 Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership structure change, firm performance, and local knowledge spillovers in China Spatial Economic Analysis
46 贺灿飞 Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities’ export structures Post-Communist Economies
47 贺金生 Dew formation reduction in global warming experiments and the potential consequences JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
48 贺金生 Close-to-nature restoration of degraded alpine grasslands: Theoretical basis and technical approach CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN-CHINESE
49 胡建英 Comment on Suspect and Nontarget Screening of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Wastewater from a Fluorochemical Manufacturing Park ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
50 胡建英 High inter-species differences of 12378-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin between humans and mice ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
51 胡建英 Triphenyl phosphate delayed pubertal timing and induced decline of ovarian reserve in mice as an estrogen receptor antagonist ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
52 胡建英 Maternal Transfer of 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate Leads to Developmental Toxicity Possibly by Blocking the Retinoic Acid Receptor and Retinoic X Receptor in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
53 胡建英 Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate Induces Mass Mortality of Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) Embryos in Taihu Lake ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
54 胡建英 Discovery of contaminants with antagonistic activity against retinoic acid
receptor in house dust
Journal of Hazardous Materials
55 胡燮 Machine-Learning Characterization of Tectonic, Hydrological and Anthropogenic Sources of Active Ground Deformation in California Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth
56 胡燮 Stress perturbations from hydrological and industrial loads and seismicity in the Salt Lake City region Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth
57 胡燮 Remote Sensing Characterization of Mountain Excavation and City Construction in Loess Plateau Geophysical Research Letters
58 胡夑 Hydrological control shift from river level to rainfall in the reactivated Guobu slope besides the Laxiwa hydropower station in China REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT
59 李本纲 Source identification of particulate phosphorus in the atmosphere in Beijing SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
60 李本纲 The contributions of individual countries and regions to the global radiative forcing PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
61 李双成 Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity and the Scale of the Impact of Changes in PM2.5 Concentrations in Major Chinese Cities between 2005 and 2015 ENERGIES
62 李双成 Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Surface Urban Heat Island and Its Driving Factors Based on Local Climate Zones and Population in Beijing, China ATMOSPHERE
63 李双成 Spatial Heterogeneity and Complexity of the Impact of Extreme Climate on Vegetation in China SUSTAINABILITY
64 李双成 Changing Effect of Urban Form on the Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Surface Urban Heat Island Intensities (SUHIIs) in More Than 3000 Cities in China SUSTAINABILITY
65 李双成 The mediating effect of air pollution in the impacts of urban form on nighttime urban heat island intensity SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
66 李双成 Uncovering the relationships between ecosystem services and social- ecological drivers at different spatial scales in the Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
67 李双成 Exploring the complex relationships and drivers of ecosystem services across different geomorphological types in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China (2000-2018) ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
68 李双成 Classifying ecosystem disservices and valuating their effects-a case study of Beijing, China ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
69 李双成 Strength of association between vegetation greenness and its drivers across China between 1982 and 2015: Regional differences and temporal variations ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
70 李双成 Urbanization, ambient air pollution, and prevalence of chronic kidney disease: A nationwide cross-sectional study ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
71 李喜青 Occurrence of areca alkaloids in wastewater of major Chinese cities SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
72 李喜青 Simultaneous Determination of Seven Antibiotics and Five of Their Metabolites in Municipal Wastewater and Evaluation of Their Stability under Laboratory Conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
73 李喜青 Analysing wastewater to estimate fentanyl and tramadol use in major Chinese cities SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
74 李宜垠 Influence of environmental factors on spatial and temporal variability of allergenic Artemisia pollen in Beijing, China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
75 李有利 Climatically- and tectonically-controlled development of the late quaternary alluvial fan in the north piedmont of Zhongtiao Shan (ZTS), north China Quaternary International
76 李有利 Late Quaternary steady deformation of the Minle Fault in the north Qilian Shan, NE Tibet TECTONOPHYSICS
77 刘耕年 Paleoglacial and paleoclimate reconstructions during the global Last Glacial Maximum in the Longriba area, eastern Tibetan Plateau JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE
78 刘鸿雁 How permafrost degradation threatens boreal forest growth on its southern margin? SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
79 刘鸿雁 Hydraulic adaptability promotes tree life spans under climate dryness GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY
80 刘鸿雁 Remotely sensed birch forest resilience against climate change in the northern China forest-steppe ecotone ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
81 刘鸿雁 Carbon-Water Relationships of the Forest Ecosystem under a Changing Climate FORESTS
82 刘鸿雁 Root system plays an important role in responses of plant to drought in the steppe of China LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
83 刘鸿雁 Patterns and determinants of woody encroachment in the eastern Eurasian steppe LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
84 刘鸿雁 Determinants of ecosystem processes and services in the karst critical zone in south-west China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
85 刘鸿雁 Old-growth forests show low canopy resilience to droughts at the southern edge of the taiga GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
86 刘鸿雁 How Can We Realize Sustainable Development Goals in Rocky Desertified Regions by Enhancing Crop Yield with Reduction of Environmental Risks? REMOTE SENSING
87 刘鸿雁 Tree-ring delta O-18 identifies similarity in timing but differences in depth of soil water uptake by trees in mesic and arid climates AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
88 刘鸿雁 Quantifying the role of soil in local precipitation redistribution to vegetation growth ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
89 刘鸿雁 Effect paths of environmental factors and community attributes on aboveground net primary productivity of a temperate grassland LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
90 刘鸿雁 Modeling vegetation greenness and its climate sensitivity with deep-learning technology ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
91 刘鸿雁 Decoupled heatwave-tree growth in large forest patches of Larix sibirica in northern Mongolian Plateau AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
92 刘鸿雁 Effects of manipulated precipitation on aboveground net primary productivity of grassland fields: Controlled rainfall experiments in Inner Mongolia, China LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
93 刘鸿雁 Indication of paleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity and soil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
94 刘鸿雁 High forest stand density exacerbates growth decline of conifers driven by warming but not broad-leaved trees in temperate mixed forest in northeast Asia SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
95 刘鸿雁 A process-based model reveals the restoration gap of degraded
grasslands in Inner Mongolian steppe
96 刘峻峰 Non-intrusive reduced order model of urban airflow with dynamic boundary conditions BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT
97 刘峻峰 Spatiotemporal variability and driving factors of ground-level summertime ozone pollution over eastern China ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
98 刘峻峰 Fast simulation of high resolution urban wind fields at city scale URBAN CLIMATE
99 刘峻峰 Comparison of the impact of China's railway investment and road investment on the economy and air pollution emissions JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
100 刘峻峰 Influence of atmospheric in-cloud aqueous-phase chemistry on the global simulation of SO2 in CESM2 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
101 刘峻峰 Impacts of chlorine emissions on secondary pollutants in China ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
102 刘涛 Do land ownership types matter in manufacturing firms' location choice? Using Beijing as a case study GROWTH AND CHANGE
103 刘涛 The Evolving Structure of Rural Construction Land in Urbanizing China: Case Study of Tai'an Prefecture LAND
104 刘涛 Spatial Determinants of Land Conversion for Various Urban Use: A Case Study of Beijing ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION
105 刘涛 Employment centers change faster than expected: An integrated identification method and application to Beijing CITIES
106 刘涛 Examining social vulnerability to flood of affordable housing communities in Nanjing, China: Building long-term disaster resilience of low-income communities SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
107 刘涛 Are there differences in the forces driving the conversion of different non-urban lands into urban use? A case study of Beijing ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
108 刘涛 The Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of Employment Multipliers in China's Expanding Cities APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
109 刘涛 A Geographically Weighted Regression Model for Health Improvement: Insights from the Extension of Life Expectancy in China APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
110 刘文新 Distribution characteristics of microplastics in agricultural soils from the largest vegetable production base in China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
111 刘文新 Spatiotemporal variations and source identification of atmospheric nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the coastal cities of the Bohai and Yellow Seas in northern China CHEMOSPHERE
112 刘文新 Insights into the horizontal and vertical profiles of microplastics in a river emptying into the sea affected by intensive anthropogenic activities in Northern China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
113 刘文新 Effects of anthropogenic discharge and hydraulic deposition on the distribution and accumulation of microplastics in surface sediments of a typical seagoing river: The Haihe River JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
114 刘文新 Evaluation of PAHs in edible parts of vegetables and their human health risks in Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China: A multimedia modeling approach SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
115 卢晓霞 Comparison of neonicotinoid residues in soils of different land use types SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
116 陆雅海 Growth Coordination Between Butyrate-Oxidizing Syntrophs and Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
117 陆雅海 Putative Extracellular Electron Transfer in Methanogenic Archaea FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
118 陆雅海 Response of Methanogen Communities to the Elevation of Cathode Potentials in Bioelectrochemical Reactors Amended with Magnetite APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
119 陆雅海 Thermodynamics shapes the biogeography of propionate-oxidizing syntrophs in paddy field soils ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS
120 陆雅海 Soil multitrophic network complexity enhances the link between biodiversity and multifunctionality in agricultural systems GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
121 马建民 Trade-driven black carbon climate forcing and environmental equality under China's west-east energy transmission JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
122 马建民 Unsupervised PM2.5 anomalies in China induced by the COVID-19 epidemic SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
123 马建民 The Direct Radiative Forcing Impact of Agriculture-Emitted Black Carbon Associated With India's Green Revolution EARTHS FUTURE
124 马建民 The atmospheric travel distance of persistent organic pollutants-revisit and application in climate change impact on long-rang transport potential ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
125 马建民 Interprovincial trade driven relocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk in China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
126 马建民 The footprint of dioxins in globally traded pork meat iScience
127 马建民 Reinforcement of Secondary Circulation by Aerosol Feedback and PM2.5 Vertical Exchange in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Geophysical Research Letters
128 马亮 Exploring the causal effects of bicycling for transportation on mental health TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
129 马亮 Determinants of bicycling for transportation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Evidence from Xi'an, China TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
130 蒙吉军 Spatial-temporal characteristics of land use spatial conflict in China and the multilevel effect of its driving factors Science of The Total Environment
131 蒙吉军 Fuzzy evaluation of the ecological security of land resources in mainland China based on the Pressure-State-Response framework SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
132 莫多闻 Shifting Patterns of House Structures during the Neolithic-Bronze Age in the Yellow River Basin: An Environmental Perspective LAND
133 彭建 How can massive ecological restoration programs interplay with social-ecological systems? A review of research in the South China karst region SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
134 彭建 Scale consistency for investigating urbanization level, vegetation coverage, and their correlation URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING
135 彭建 Linking ecological background and demand to identify ecological security patterns across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in China LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
136 彭建 Ecosystem services supply and demand response to urbanization: A case study of the Pearl River Delta, China ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
137 彭建 Integrating regional and interregional approaches to identify ecological security patterns LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
138 彭建 Promoting sustainable landscape pattern for landscape sustainability LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
139 彭建 Spatial assessment of flow and benefit of tropical cyclone hazard mitigation service PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
140 彭建 Human activity vs. climate change: Distinguishing dominant drivers on LAI dynamics in karst region of southwest China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
141 彭建 Spatial correlation between the changes of ecosystem service supply and demand: An ecological zoning approach LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
142 彭书时 Recent Slowdown of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in China Driven by Stabilized Coal Production ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
143 彭书时 Soil moisture seasonality alters vegetation response to drought in the Mongolian Plateau ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
144 彭书时 A Warm Summer is Unlikely to Stop Transmission of COVID-19 Naturally GEOHEALTH
145 彭书时 Wetlands Cool Land Surface Temperature in Tropical Regions but Warm in Boreal Regions Remote Sensing
146 朴世龙 Reply to: Disentangling biology from mathematical necessity in twentieth-century gymnosperm resilience trends NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
147 朴世龙 Vegetation Response to Rising CO2 Amplifies Contrasts in Water Resources Between Global Wet and Dry Land Areas GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
148 朴世龙 Seasonal biological carryover dominates northern vegetation growth NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
149 朴世龙 Multifaceted characteristics of dryland aridity changes in a warming world NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT
150 沈国锋 Contributions of internal emissions to peaks and incremental indoor PM(2.5 )in rural coal use households ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
151 沈国锋 Environmental Inequality Deepened During the COVID-19 in the Developing World ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
152 沈国锋 Rural residential energy carrier structure and primary PM2.5 emissions from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN-CHINESE
153 沈国锋 Field-based evidence of changes in household PM2.5 and exposure during the 2020 national quarantine in China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
154 沈国锋 Indoor Coal Combustion for Heating Exacerbates CO2 Exposure Approaching Harmful Levels ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
155 沈国锋 Contributions of biomass burning to global and regional SO2 emissions ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
156 沈国锋 Light absorption properties and absorption emission factors for indoor biomass burning ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
157 沈国锋 Mass Absorption Efficiency of Black Carbon from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion and Its Association with Carbonaceous Fractions ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
158 沈国锋 Optically Measured Black and Particulate Brown Carbon Emission Factors from Real-World Residential Combustion Predominantly Affected by Fuel Differences ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
159 沈国锋 A critical review of pollutant emission factors from fuel combustion in home stoves ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
160 沈国锋 Emissions of particulate PAHs from solid fuel combustion in indoor cookstoves SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
161 沈国锋 Spatially Resolved Emission Factors to Reduce Uncertainties in Air Pollutant Emission Estimates from the Residential Sector ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
162 沈国锋 Substantial leakage into indoor air from on-site solid fuel combustion in chimney stoves ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
163 沈国锋 Evaluating co-emissions into indoor and outdoor air of EC, OC, and BC from in-home biomass burning ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
164 沈国锋 Increased air pollution exposure among the Chinese population during the national quarantine in 2020 NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR
165 沈泽昊 Comparing Luojia 1-01 and VIIRS Nighttime Light Data in Detecting Urban Spatial Structure Using a Threshold-Based Kernel Density Estimation REMOTE SENSING
166 沈泽昊 A shrubby resprouting pine with serotinous cones endemic to southwest China ECOLOGY
167 沈泽昊 Identifying conservation priority areas for gymnosperm species under climate change in China Biological Conservation
168 沈泽昊 The effects of multi-scale climate variability on biodiversity patterns of Chinese evergreen broad-leaved woody plants: growth form matters Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
169 沈泽昊 Temporal Patterns and Mechanisms of Biodiversity Across Scales in East Asia Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
170 沈泽昊 Relative humidity and agricultural activities dominate wildfire ignitions in Yunnan, Southwest China: Patterns, thresholds, and implications AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
171 唐艳鸿 Beyond the Mean: Long-Term Variabilities in Precipitation and Temperature on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY
172 唐艳鸿 Elevated CO2 Enhances Dynamic Photosynthesis in Rice and Wheat FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
173 唐志尧 Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA
174 唐志尧 Radial growth response of trees to seasonal soil humidity in a subtropical forest BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY
175 唐志尧 Environmental constraints on the inter-genus variation in the scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
176 唐志尧 Assessing the effectiveness of global protected areas based on the difference in differences model. Ecological Indicators
177 唐志尧 Conserving the Chinese caterpillar fungus under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation
178 唐志尧 Responses of litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics to nitrogen addition to temperate shrublands of North China. Frontiers in Plant Science
179 陶澍 Differentiated-Rate Clean Heating Strategy with Superior Environmental and Health Benefits in Northern China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
180 陶澍 Direct and Inverse Reduced-Form Models for Reciprocal Calculation of BC Emissions and Atmospheric Concentrations ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
181 陶澍 Coal Is Dirty, but Where It Is Burned Especially Matters ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
182 陶澍 Toward Clean Residential Energy: Challenges and Priorities in Research ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
183 陶澍 Temporal and spatial variation of PM2.5 in indoor air monitored by low-cost sensors SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
184 陶澍 Quantifying source contributions for indoor CO2 and gas pollutants based on the highly resolved sensor data ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
185 陶澍 Synergistic Health Benefits of Household Stove Upgrading and Energy Switching in Rural China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
186 陶澍 PM2.5 reductions in Chinese cities from 2013 to 2019 remain significant despite the inflating effects of meteorological conditions ONE EARTH
187 陶澍 Future research needs for environmental science in China Geography & Sustainability
188 童昕 Using weighted entropy to measure the recyclability of municipal solid waste in China: Exploring the geographical disparity for circular economy JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
189 童昕 Producer vs. local government: The locational strategy for end-of-life photovoltaic modules recycling in Zhejiang province RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING
190 万祎 Xenobiotics Targeting Cardiolipin Metabolism to Promote Thrombosis in Zebrafish ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
191 万祎 Determination and occurrence of sulfonamide transformation products in surface waters SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
192 王红亚 Mineral magnetism variables as potential indicators of permafrost aggradation and degradation at the southern edge of the permafrost zone Boreas
193 王红亚 Mineral magnetism potentially indicating degrees of soil gleization and their implications for tracing sediment sources: Inferences for a small catchment on Guizhou Plateau, SW China Catena
194 王红亚 Indication of paleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity and soil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
195 王少鹏 Asymmetric foraging lowers the trophic level and omnivory in natural food webs JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY
196 王少鹏 Mechanistic links between biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning and stability in a multi-site grassland experiment JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY
197 王少鹏 Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
198 王少鹏 Grazing-induced biodiversity loss impairs grassland ecosystem stability at multiple scales ECOLOGY LETTERS
199 王少鹏 The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale OIKOS
200 王少鹏 Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony ECOLOGY
201 王少鹏 How complementarity and selection affect the relationship between ecosystem functioning and stability Ecology
202 王娓 The effect of soil depth on temperature sensitivity of extracellular enzyme activity decreased with elevation: Evidence from mountain grassland belts SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
203 王娓 Latitudinal and depth patterns of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in grasslands of an agro-pastoral ecotone LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
204 王娓 Comparison of soil microbial responses to nitrogen addition between ex-arable grassland and natural grassland JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
205 王娓 Divergent responses of the soil bacteria community to multi-level nitrogen enrichment in temperate grasslands under different degrees of degradation LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
206 王娓 Water-induced release of recalcitrant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil organic matter during microwave-assisted solvent extraction* ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
207 王喜龙 Introduction of N-containing moieties by ammonia plasma technique can substantially improve ciprofloxacin removal by biochar and the associated mechanisms: Spectroscopic and site energy distribution analysis JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
208 王喜龙 Removal of PAHs at high concentrations in a soil washing solution containing TX-100 via simultaneous sorption and biodegradation processes by immobilized degrading bacteria in PVA-SA hydrogel beads JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
209 王喜龙 A mechanistic study on removal efficiency of four antibiotics by animal and plant origin precursors-derived biochars SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
210 王喜龙 Application of TiO2 nanoparticles to reduce bioaccumulation of arsenic in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.): A mechanistic study JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
211 王喜龙 Stronger impacts of long-term relative to short-term exposure to carbon nanomaterials on soil bacterial communities JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
212 王喜龙 Antimony removal by a magnetic TiO2/SiO2/Fe3O4 nanosphere and influence of model dissolved organic matter CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
213 王喜龙 Differences in kinetic metabolomics in Eisenia fetida under single and dual exposure of imidacloprid and dinotefuran at environmentally relevant concentrations JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
214 王旭辉 Comment on Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis COMMENT SCIENCE
215 王旭辉 Optimizing Lake Surface Water Temperature Simulations Over Large Lakes in China With FLake Model EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE
216 王旭辉 Global Patterns and Climate Controls of Terrestrial Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES
217 王旭辉 Diverging models introduce large uncertainty in future climate warming impact on spring phenology of temperate deciduous trees SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
218 王旭辉 Responses of vegetation greenness and carbon cycle to extreme droughts in China AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
219 王旭辉 Data-driven estimates of global litter production imply slower vegetation carbon turnover GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
220 王旭辉 Global irrigation contribution to wheat and
maize yield
221 王旭辉 Divergent responses of phenology and growth to summer and autumnal warming GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
222 王学军 Characteristics of CO2 and atmospheric pollutant emissions from China's cement industry: A life-cycle perspective JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
223 王学军 Biotransport of mercury and human methylmercury exposure through crabs in China-A life cycle-based analysis JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
224 王学军 Rivers as the largest source of mercury to coastal oceans worldwide NATURE GEOSCIENCE
225 王学军 Mercury and methylmercury in China's lake sediments and first estimation of mercury burial fluxes SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
226 王学军 Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Deepest Ocean Fauna: Implications for Ocean Mercury Biotransport through Food Webs ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
227 王学军 Human Methylmercury Exposure and Potential Impacts in Central Tibet: Food and Traditional Tibetan Medicine BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY
228 王学军 Spatial-temporal characteristics of mercury and methylmercury in marine sediment under the combined influences of river input and coastal currents CHEMOSPHERE
229 王学军 Establishment of High-Resolution Atmospheric Mercury Emission Inventories for Chinese Cement Plants Based on the Mass Balance Method ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
230 王学军 Observation-Based Mercury Export from Rivers to Coastal Oceans in East Asia ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
231 王仰麟 Resolution Enhancement of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: Current Status and Perspectives REMOTE SENSING
232 王仰麟 Impacts of climate change on wind erosion in Southern Africa between 1991 and 2015 LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
233 王愔 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
234 王长松 A 2000-year spatiotemporal pattern and relationship between cities and floods in the Yangtze River Basin, China RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS
235 王志恒 Conservation of woody species in China under future climate and land-cover changes JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY
236 王志恒 Variance in tree growth rates provides a key link for completing the theory of forest size structure formation JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY
237 王志恒 Vulnerabilities of protected lands in the face of climate and human footprint changes NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
238 王志恒 Upward shift and elevational range contractions of subtropical mountain plants in response to climate change SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
239 王志恒 Phylogenetic niche conservatism and variations in species diversity-climate relationships ECOGRAPHY
240 王志恒 Towards an understanding of the latitudinal patterns in thermal tolerance and vulnerability of woody plants under climate warming ECOGRAPHY
241 王志恒 Relative Importance of Deterministic and Stochastic Processes on Soil Microbial Community Assembly in Temperate Grasslands MICROORGANISMS
242 王志恒 Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems ECOLOGY LETTERS
243 王志恒 Effects of climate, plant height and evolutionary age on geographical patterns of fruit type Frontiers in Plant Science
244 王志恒 Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning Diversity and Distributions
245 吴健生 Linking the minimum spanning tree and edge betweenness to understand arterial corridors in an ecological network LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
246 武旭同 Multilevel analysis of factors affecting participants' land reconversion willingness after the Grain for Green Program AMBIO
247 武旭同 Spatial variation and influencing factors of the effectiveness of afforestation in China's Loess Plateau SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
248 徐福留 Variations of root-associated bacterial cooccurrence relationships in paddy soils under chlorantraniliprole (CAP) stress SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
249 徐福留 Dustfall-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over the fifth largest Chinese lake: residual levels, source apportionment, and correlations with suspended particulate matter (SPM)-bound PAHs in water ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
250 徐福留 Multi-Media Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Lake Chaohu, the Fifth Largest Fresh Water Lake in China: Residual Levels, Sources and Carcinogenic Risk ATMOSPHERE
251 徐福留 Suspended particulate matter(SPM)-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in lakes and reservoirs across a large geographical scale SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
252 徐福留 Geographical location and water depth are important driving factors for the differences of suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) in lake environment across nationwide scale: Evidences from n-alkane fingerprints SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
253 徐福留 The impacts of algae biological pump effect on the occurrence, source apportionment and toxicity of SPM-bound PAHs in lake environment. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
254 姚蒙 Generalist carnivores can be effective biodiversity samplers of terrestrial vertebrates FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT
255 姚蒙 Snow Leopard Dietary Preferences and Livestock Predation Revealed by Fecal DNA Metabarcoding: No Evidence for Apparent Competition Between Wild and Domestic Prey Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
256 姚蒙 Prey partitioning and livestock consumption in the world’s richest large carnivore assemblage Current Biology
257 张家富 Origin and provenance of Red Clay in north Hunan Province, China: Inferred from grain-size analysis and end-member modelling AEOLIAN RESEARCH
258 张照斌 Hepatic toxicity of fluorene-9-bisphenol (BHPF) on CD-1 mice ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
259 赵鹏军 Land use and travel burden of residents in urban fringe and rural areas: An evaluation of urban-rural integration initiatives in Beijing LAND USE POLICY
260 赵鹏军 The factors in residents' mobility in rural towns of China: Car ownership, road infrastructure and public transport services JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
261 赵鹏军 Rural poverty and mobility in China: A national-level survey JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
262 赵鹏军 Exploring shopping travel behavior of millennials in Beijing: Impacts of built environment, life stages, and subjective preferences TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
263 赵鹏军 Smartphone-based services, perceived accessibility, and transport inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-lagged panel study TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
264 赵鹏军 Elderly mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative exploration in Kunming, China JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
265 赵鹏军 The morphology and circuity of walkable, bikeable, and drivable street networks in Phnom Penh, Cambodia ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE
266 赵鹏军 China's transportation sector carbon dioxide emissions efficiency and its influencing factors based on the EBM DEA model with undesirable outputs and spatial Durbin model ENERGY
267 赵鹏军 Literature review on urban transport equity in transitional China: From empirical studies to universal knowledge Journal of Transport Geography
268 赵鹏军 Rethinking the determinants of vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT) in an auto-dependent city: transport policies, socioeconomic factors and the built environment Transportation Planning and Technology
269 赵淑清 Contemporary Urban Expansion in the First Fastest Growing Metropolitan Region of China: A Multicity Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration from 1980 to 2015 URBAN SCIENCE
270 赵淑清 Urbanization effects on Chinese mammal and amphibian richness: a multi-scale study using the urban-rural gradient approach ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
271 赵淑清 1/4 to 1/3 of observed warming trends in China from 1980 to 2015 are attributed to land use changes CLIMATIC CHANGE
272 赵淑清 Perturbation of Urbanization to Earth's Surface Energy Balance JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
273 赵淑清 Urbanization imprint on land surface phenology: The urban-rural gradient analysis for Chinese cities GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
274 赵淑清 The Cooling Effect of Urban Green Spaces in Metacities: A Case Study of Beijing, China’s Capital remote sensing
275 周丰 Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002-2018* ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
276 周丰 Decoupling between ammonia emission and crop production in China due to policy interventions GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
277 周丰 Is rice field a nitrogen source or sink for the environment? ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
278 周丰 Improved Estimates of Ammonia Emissions from Global Croplands ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
279 周丰 Nationwide estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via runoff from rice paddies using data-constrained model simulations JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
280 周丰 Global mapping of crop-specific emission factors highlights hotspots of nitrous oxide mitigation NATURE FOOD
281 周丰 Additional surface-water deficit to meet global universal water accessibility by 2030 Journal of Cleaner Production
282 周力平 Tracing Water Masses and Assessing Boundary Scavenging Intensity With Beryllium Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS
283 周力平 Dissolved and Particulate Beryllium Isotopes in the Pearl River Estuary: Their Geochemical Behavior in Estuarine Water and Potential Contributions From Anthropogenic Sources Frontiers in Marine Science
284 周力平 Decadal changes of seawater radiocarbon in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and their oceanographic implications Journal of Marine Systems
285 朱彪 Global patterns and associated drivers of priming effect in response to nutrient addition SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
286 朱彪 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce soil nitrous oxide emission GEODERMA
287 朱彪 Does calculation method affect the nutrient-addition effect on priming? GEODERMA
288 朱彪 Mycorrhizal mycelial respiration: A substantial component of soil respired CO2 SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
289 朱彪 Plateau pika offsets the positive effects of warming on soil organic carbon in an alpine swamp meadow on the Tibetan Plateau CATENA
290 朱彪 Rhizosphere effects of woody plants on soil biogeochemical processes: A meta-analysis SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
291 朱彪 Soil N2O emissions are more sensitive to phosphorus addition and plant presence than to nitrogen addition and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation RHIZOSPHERE
292 朱彪 Nitrogen addition stimulates priming effect in a subtropical forest soil SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
293 朱彪 Warming has a minor effect on surface soil organic carbon in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
294 朱彪 Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees cause a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio of soil organic matter decomposition via rhizosphere priming than ectomycorrhizal trees SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
295 朱彪 Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon and dissolved organic carbon to drying-rewetting cycles: A meta-analysis Catena
296 朱彪 Soil priming effect and its responses to nutrient addition along a tropical forest elevation gradient GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
297 朱晟君 Strong Links and Weak Links: How Do Unrelated Industries Survive in an Unfriendly Environment? ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY
298 朱晟君 Changing institutional context and regional industrial dynamics: New evidence from the establishment of administrative approval centers in China GROWTH AND CHANGE
299 朱晟君 Diversity in brokerage cities: the evolution of urban positionality in China's financial system REGIONAL STUDIES
300 朱晟君 Networks of export markets and export market diversification INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE
301 朱晟君 Institutions, Chain Governance and the Predicament of Local Upgrading: A Case Study of Hangzhou's Mobile Game Industry JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA
302 朱晟君 Do not put eggs in one basket: related variety and export resilience in the post-crisis era Industrial and Corporate Change
303 朱晟君 Public funds in high-tech industries: a blessing or a curse. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
304 朱晟君 Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership structure change, firm performance, and local knowledge spillovers in China Spatial Economic Analysis
305 朱晟君 Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities’ export structures Post-Communist Economies
306 朱丹 Global hunter-gatherer population densities constrained by influence of seasonality on diet composition NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
307 朱东强 Future research needs for environmental science in China Geography & Sustainability
308 朱东强 Combined analyses of hygroscopic properties of organic and inorganic components of three representative black carbon samples recovered from pyrolysis SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
309 朱东强 Directional oxidation of amine-containing phenolic pharmaceuticals by aqueous dissolved oxygen under dark conditions catalyzed by nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes ACS ES&T Water
310 朱东强 Sorption fractionation of bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on mineral surfaces and associated effects on phenanthrene sorption to EPS-mineral complexes Chemosphere