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教师 题目 期刊
1 曾辉 Effect of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on the Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metals and Micronutrient Bioavailability in Paddy Soil INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2 柴彦威 Who Could Not Avoid Exposure to High Levels of Residence-Based Pollution by Daily Mobility? Evidence of Air Pollution Exposure from the Perspective of the Neighborhood Effect Averaging Problem (NEAP) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
3 柴彦威 The Anatomy of Health-Supportive Neighborhoods: A Multilevel Analysis of Built Environment, Perceived Disorder, Social Interaction and Mental Health in Beijing INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
4 柴彦威 Understanding noise exposure, noise annoyance, and psychological stress: Incorporating individual mobility and the temporality of the exposure-effect relationship Applied Geography
5 柴彦威 Associations of co-exposures to air pollution and noise with psychological stress in space and time: A case study in Beijing, China Environmental research
6 陈效逑 Examining spring phenological responses to temperature variations during different periods in subtropical and tropical China INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
7 陈效逑 Characterizing the Error and Bias of Remotely Sensed LAI Products: An Example for Tropical and Subtropical Evergreen Forests in South China REMOTE SENSING
8 陈效逑 Examining land surface phenology in the tropical moist forest eco-zone of South America INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY
9 陈效逑 Why don't phenophase dates in the current year affect the same phenophase dates in the following year? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY
10 陈效逑 Precipitation and Minimum Temperature are Primary Climatic Controls of Alpine Grassland Autumn Phenology on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau REMOTE SENSING
11 陈彦光 Fractal Modeling and Fractal Dimension Description of Urban Morphology ENTROPY
12 陈彦光 Equivalent relation between normalized spatial entropy and fractal dimension PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
13 陈彦光 New framework of Getis-Ord's indexes associating spatial autocorrelation with interaction PLOS ONE
14 陈彦光 Two Sets of Simple Formulae to Estimating Fractal Dimension of Irregular Boundaries MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING
16 程和发 Composition and diversity of soil microbial communities in the alpine wetland and alpine forest ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
17 程和发 Design and performance of a novel direct Z-scheme NiGa2O4/CeO2 nanocomposite with enhanced sonocatalytic activity SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
18 程和发 Microwave-induced degradation as a novel treatment for destruction of decabromodiphenyl ether sorbed on porous minerals CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
19 程和发 Quantitative source apportionment of heavy metal(loid)s in the agricultural soils of an industrializing region and associated model uncertainty JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
20 程和发 Public health risk of toxic metal(loid) pollution to the population living near an abandoned small-scale polymetallic mine SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
21 程和发 Facile synthesis of flower-like CoFe2O4 particles for efficient sorption of aromatic organoarsenicals from aqueous solution JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE
22 程和发 Structure-Reactivity Relationships in the Adsorption and Degradation of Substituted Phenylarsonic Acids on Birnessite (delta-MnO2) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
23 程和发 Release Kinetics as a Key Linkage between the Occurrence of Flame Retardants in Microplastics and Their Risk to the Environment and Ecosystem: A Critical Review Water Research
24 方精云 Changes in China's water resources in the early 21st century FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT
25 方精云 Soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in China's forests FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY
26 方精云 Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY
27 方精云 Effects of seven-year nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil microbial community structures and residues in a tropical forest in Hainan Island, China GEODERMA
28 方精云 Increasing soil carbon stocks in eight permanent forest plots in China BIOGEOSCIENCES
29 方精云 Changes in China's lakes: climate and human impacts NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
30 方精云 Greener in China Aspenia
31 方精云 The relationships among structure variables of larch forests in China FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
32 方精云 Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
33 方精云 Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China's forests from tropical to boreal zone ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
34 方精云 Global patterns and climatic drivers of above-and belowground net primary productivity in grasslands Science China-Life Sciences
35 冯长春 Sons, daughters, and differentiated tenure choice of multiple homes: evidence from urban China HOUSING STUDIES
36 贺灿飞 Global-local interactions in agrochemical industry: Relating trade regulations in Brazil to environmental and spatial restructuring in China APPLIED GEOGRAPHY
38 贺灿飞 Nontariff measures, trade deflection, and market expansion of exporters in China GROWTH AND CHANGE
39 贺灿飞 Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
40 贺灿飞 How does Policy incentive and trade barrier reshape the development of Chinese photovoltaic industry? Journal of cleaner production
41 贺金生 Above-belowground interactions in alpine ecosystems on the roof of the world PLANT AND SOIL
42 贺金生 Simulating warmer and drier climate increases root production but decreases root decomposition in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan plateau PLANT AND SOIL
43 贺金生 Variations in the nitrogen saturation threshold of soil respiration in grassland ecosystems BIOGEOCHEMISTRY
44 贺金生 Temporal variation in soil respiration and its sensitivity to temperature along a hydrological gradient in an alpine wetland of the Tibetan Plateau AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
45 贺金生 Alpine grassland plants grow earlier and faster but biomass remains unchanged over 35 years of climate change ECOLOGY LETTERS
46 贺金生 Precipitation determines the magnitude and direction of interannual responses of soil respiration to experimental warming PLANT AND SOIL
47 胡建英 High inter-species differences of 12378-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin between humans and mice ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
48 胡建英 Nontarget Discovery of 11 Aryl Organophosphate Triesters in House Dust Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
49 胡建英 Triphenyl phosphate modulated saturation of phospholipids: Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
50 胡建英 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate and Its Hydroxylated Metabolites are Anti-androgenic and Cause Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in Male Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
51 胡建英 Nontargeted identification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in human follicular fluid and their blood-follicle transfer ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
52 胡建英 Triphenyl Phosphate at Environmental Levels Retarded Ovary Development and Reduced Egg Production in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
53 吉成均 Changes in carbon storages of Fagus forest ecosystems along an elevational gradient on Mt. Fanjingshan in Southwest China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
54 李本纲 Graphene oxide-induced formation of a boron-doped iron oxide shell on the surface of NZVI for enhancing nitrate removal CHEMOSPHERE
55 李本纲 Short-lived climate forcers have long-term climate impacts via the carbon-climate feedback NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
56 李本纲 Missed atmospheric organic phosphorus emitted by terrestrial plants, part 2: Experiment of volatile phosphorus ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
57 李双成 The impacts of urbanization and climate change on urban vegetation dynamics in China URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING
58 李双成 Optimizing wind/solar combinations at finer scales to mitigate renewable energy variability in China RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS
59 李双成 Exploring the Driving Factors of the Spatiotemporal Variation of Precipitation in the Jing-Jin-Ji Urban Agglomeration from 2000 to 2015 SUSTAINABILITY
60 李双成 The Context-Dependent Effect of Urban Form on Air Pollution: A Panel Data Analysis REMOTE SENSING
61 李双成 Exploring the heterogeneity and nonlinearity of trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services bundles in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
62 李双成 Exploring the Combined Effect of Urbanization and Climate Variability on Urban Vegetation: A Multi-Perspective Study Based on More than 3000 Cities in China REMOTE SENSING
63 李双成 The relationship between urban form and heat island intensity along the urban development gradients SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
64 李喜青 Diluted concentrations of methamphetamine in surface water induce behavior disorder, transgenerational toxicity, and ecosystem-level consequences of fish WATER RESEARCH
65 李喜青 Impact of ketamine on the behavior and immune system of adult medaka (Oryzias latipes) at environmentally relevant concentrations and eco-risk assessment in surface water JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
66 李喜青 Environmental behavior of methamphetamine and ketamine in aquatic ecosystem: Degradation, bioaccumulation, distribution, and associated shift in toxicity and bacterial community WATER RESEARCH
67 李喜青 Monitoring Consumption of Common Illicit Drugs in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, by Wastewater-Cased Epidemiology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
68 李喜青 Application of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology in China From Wastewater Monitoring to Drug Control Efforts WASTEWATER-BASED EPIDEMIOLOGY: ESTIMATION OF COMMUNITY CONSUMPTION OF DRUGS AND DIETS
69 林坚 Analysis of the logical relationship of elements of natural resource governance JOURNAL OF CHINESE GOVERNANCE
70 林坚 How industrial landscape affects the regional industrial economy: A spatial heterogeneity framework HABITAT INTERNATIONAL
71 刘耕年 Late Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Bhutanese Himalaya GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE
72 刘鸿雁 Postglacial evolution of forest and grassland in southeastern Gobi (Northern China) QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS
73 刘鸿雁 Vegetation change at the southern boreal forest margin in Northeast China over the last millennium: The role of permafrost dynamics PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY
74 刘鸿雁 Analysing and simulating spatial patterns of crop yield in Guizhou Province based on artificial neural networks PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
75 刘鸿雁 Forestation does not necessarily reduce soil erosion in a karst watershed in southwestern China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
76 刘鸿雁 Bedrock-associated belowground and aboveground interactions and their implications for vegetation restoration in the karst critical zone of subtropical Southwest China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
77 刘鸿雁 Divergent Hydraulic Strategies Explain the Interspecific Associations of Co-Occurring Trees in Forest-Steppe Ecotone FORESTS
78 刘鸿雁 Dendrochronological Reconstruction of June Drought (PDSI) from 1731-2016 for the Western Mongolian Plateau ATMOSPHERE
79 刘鸿雁 Drought-modulated allometric patterns of trees in semi-arid forests COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
80 刘鸿雁 Impact of bedrock geochemistry on vegetation productivity depends on climate dryness in the Guizhou karst of China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
81 刘鸿雁 Periodic Relations between Terrestrial Vegetation and Climate Factors across the Globe REMOTE SENSING
82 刘鸿雁 Patterns in nonstructural carbohydrate contents at the tree organ level in response to drought duration GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
83 刘鸿雁 Bedrock geochemistry influences vegetation growth by regulating the regolith water holding capacity NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
84 刘鸿雁 East Asian summer monsoon and topography co-determine the Holocene migration of forest-steppe ecotone in northern China GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE
85 刘鸿雁 How permafrost degradation threatens boreal forest growth on its southern margin? Science of the total environment
86 刘鸿雁 Determinants of ecosystem processes and services in the karst critical zone in south-west China Progress in Physical Geography-Earth and Environment
87 刘峻峰 High-resolution simulation of local traffic-related NOx dispersion and distribution in a complex urban terrain ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
88 刘峻峰 Analysis of wintertime O-3 variability using a random forest model and high-frequency observations in Zhangjiakou-an area with background pollution level of the North China Plain ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
89 刘峻峰 The impacts of the trade liberalization of environmental goods on power system and CO2 emissions ENERGY POLICY
90 刘峻峰 Impacts of Potential China's Environmental Protection Tax Reforms on Provincial Air Pollution Emissions and Economy EARTHS FUTURE
91 刘峻峰 Control of both PM2.5 and O-3 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the surrounding areas ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
92 刘峻峰 Analysis of multiple drivers of air pollution emissions in China via interregional trade JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
93 刘峻峰 Air quality and health impacts from the updated industrial emission standards in China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
94 刘涛 Evolving population distribution in China's border regions: Spatial differences, driving forces and policy implications PLOS ONE
95 刘涛 Life Expectancy in Chinese Cities: Spatially Varied Role of Socioeconomic Development, Population Structure, and Natural Conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
96 刘涛 Effects of Hierarchical City Centers on the Intensity and Direction of Urban Land Expansion: A Case Study of Beijing LAND
97 刘涛 Changes in population movement make COVID-19 spread differently from SARS SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
98 刘涛 Should internal migrants be held accountable for spreading COVID-19? ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE
99 刘涛 Influence of the Built Environment on Community Flood Resilience: Evidence from Nanjing City, China SUSTAINABILITY
100 刘涛 How does the Chinese government improve connectivity in water governance? A qualitative systematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT
101 刘涛 Planning consistency and implementation in urbanizing China: Comparing urban and land use plans in suburban Beijing LAND USE POLICY
102 刘涛 Acquiring a Beijing hukou: Who is eligible and who is successful? China Quarterly
103 刘文新 Distribution, partitioning behavior, and ecological risk assessment of phthalate esters in sediment particle-pore water systems from the main stream of the Haihe River, Northern China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
104 刘文新 Occurrence and characteristics of microplastics in the Haihe River: An investigation of a seagoing river flowing through a megacity in northern China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
105 刘文新 Structural equation modeling of PAHs in surrounding environmental media and field yellow carrot in vegetable bases from Northern China: In comparison with field cabbage SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
106 卢晓霞 Effects on soil microbial community after exposure to neonicotinoid insecticides thiamethoxam and dinotefuran SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
107 陆雅海 Abundant fungi adapt to broader environmental gradients than rare fungi in agricultural fields GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
108 陆雅海 Biochar and magnetite promote methanogenesis during anaerobic decomposition of rice straw SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
109 陆雅海 Redox cycling of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in magnetite accelerates aceticlastic methanogenesis by Methanosarcina mazei ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS
110 马建民 WRF-Chem simulations of ozone pollution and control strategy in petrochemical industrialized and heavily polluted Lanzhou City, Northwestern China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
111 马建民 An inter-comparative evaluation of PKU-FUEL global SO2 emission inventory SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
112 马建民 Impact of afforestation on surface ozone in the North China Plain during the three-decade period AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
113 马建民 Effect of northern boreal forest fires on PAH fluctuations across the arctic ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
114 马建民 Human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls embodied in global fish trade nature food
115 马建民 Interprovincial trade driven relocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk in China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
116 蒙吉军 Isolating the Impacts of Land Use/Cover Change and Climate Change on the GPP in the Heihe River Basin of China JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES
117 蒙吉军 Applying Geodetector to disentangle the contributions of natural and anthropogenic factors to NDVI variations in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
118 蒙吉军 Spatial and temporal analyses of potential land use conflict under the constraints of water resources in the middle reaches of the Heihe River LAND USE POLICY
119 蒙吉军 Spatial pattern and temporal trend of land degradation in the Heihe River Basin of China using local net primary production scaling LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
120 莫多闻 Holocene hydro-environmental evolution and its impacts on human occupation in Jianghan-Dongting Basin, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
121 莫多闻 The multi-level governance of formulating regional brand identities: Evidence from three Mega City Regions in China CITIES
122 彭建 Heatwave-induced human health risk assessment in megacities based on heat stress-social vulnerability-human exposure framework LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
123 彭建 Nearly Half of Global Vegetated Area Experienced Inconsistent Vegetation Growth in Terms of Greenness, Cover, and Productivity EARTHS FUTURE
124 彭建 A wavelet coherence approach to prioritizing influencing factors of land surface temperature and associated research scales REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT
125 彭建 Integrating land development size, pattern, and density to identify urban-rural fringe in a metropolitan region LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
126 彭建 Urbanization impact on the supply-demand budget of ecosystem services: Decoupling analysis ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
127 彭建 Integrating spatial continuous wavelet transform and kernel density estimation to identify ecological corridors in megacities LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
128 彭建 Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services and associated social-ecological drivers in a karst region: A case study of Guizhou Province, China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
129 彭建 Quantifying spatial morphology and connectivity of urban heat islands in a megacity: A radius approach SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
130 彭建 Spatiotemporal evolution of urban agglomerations in China during 2000-2012: a nighttime light approach LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
131 彭建 How to effectively mitigate urban heat island effect? A perspective of waterbody patch size threshold LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
132 彭建 Distinguishing the impacts of land use and climate change on ecosystem services in a karst landscape in China. Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Services
133 彭书时 Future impacts of climate change on inland Ramsar wetlands NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
134 朴世龙 Vegetation forcing modulates global land monsoon and water resources in a CO2-enriched climate NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
135 朴世龙 Accelerated terrestrial ecosystem carbon turnover and its drivers GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
136 朴世龙 Divergent responses of soil organic carbon to afforestation NATURE SUSTAINABILITY
137 朴世龙 Temporal trade-off between gymnosperm resistance and resilience increases forest sensitivity to extreme drought NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
138 朴世龙 Modeling leaf senescence of deciduous tree species in Europe GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
139 朴世龙 Local and teleconnected temperature effects of afforestation and vegetation greening in China NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
140 朴世龙 Summer soil drying exacerbated by earlier spring greening of northern vegetation SCIENCE ADVANCES
141 朴世龙 Characteristics, drivers and feedbacks of global greening Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
142 朴世龙 Interannual variation of terrestrial carbon cycle: Issues and perspectives. Global Change Biology Global Change Biology
143 沈国锋 Variation of indoor and outdoor carbonaceous aerosols in rural homes with strong internal solid fuel combustion sources ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH
144 沈国锋 Fugitive Emissions of CO and PM2.5 from Indoor Biomass Burning in Chimney Stoves Based on a Newly Developed Carbon Balance Approach ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
145 沈国锋 Submicrometer PM1.0 Exposure from Household Burning of Solid Fuels ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
146 沈泽昊 Accuracy assessment and error analysis for diameter at breast height measurement of trees obtained using a novel backpack LiDAR system FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
147 沈泽昊 Wildfire Detection Probability of MODIS Fire Products under the Constraint of Environmental Factors: A Study Based on Confirmed Ground Wildfire Records REMOTE SENSING
148 唐艳鸿 Can changes in autumn phenology facilitate earlier green-up date of northern vegetation? AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
149 唐艳鸿 Concurrent Increases in Leaf Temperature With Light Accelerate Photosynthetic Induction in Tropical Tree Seedlings FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
150 唐志尧 Climate and vegetation together control the vertical distribution of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in shrublands in China PLANT AND SOIL
151 唐志尧 Conservation status of Primulaceae, a plant family with high endemism, in China BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION
152 唐志尧 The community-level scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus changes with plant growth, climate and nutrient limitation JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY
153 唐志尧 Representativeness of threatened terrestrial vertebrates in nature reserves in China BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION
154 唐志尧 Latitudinal and elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure in forest communities in China's mountains SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES
155 唐志尧 Patterns and environmental controls of soil organic carbon density in Chinese shrublands GEODERMA
156 唐志尧 Elevational patterns of temperature and humidity in the middle Tianshan Mountain area in Central Asia JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE
157 陶澍 Residential solid fuel emissions contribute significantly to air pollution and associated health impacts in China SCIENCE ADVANCES
158 陶澍 Global Sulfur Dioxide Emissions and the Driving Forces ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
159 陶澍 A Differentiated Clean Heating Strategy with Superior Environmental and Health Benefits in North China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
160 陶澍 A novel model for regional indoor PM2.5 quantification with both external and internal contributions included ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
161 陶澍 Individual and population level protection from particulate matter exposure by wearing facemasks ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
162 童昕 Gap between discarding and recycling: Estimate lifespan of electronic products by survey in formal recycling plants in China RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING
163 万祎 Visualized Metabolic Disorder and Its Chemical Inducer in Wild Crucian Carp from Taihu Lake, China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
164 万祎 Protein-affinity guided identification of chlorinated paraffin components as ubiquitous chemicals Environment international
165 王少鹏 General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on
grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales
166 王娓 Depth dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
167 王娓 Response of Soil Respiration and Its Components to Warming and Dominant Species Removal along an Elevation Gradient in Alpine Meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
168 王娓 Plant community temporal stability in response to nitrogen addition among different degraded grasslands SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
169 王娓 Soil microbial attributes along a chronosequence of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantations in northern China PEDOSPHERE
170 王娓 Nonlinear responses of total belowground carbon flux and its components to increased nitrogen availability in temperate forests SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
171 王喜龙 Interactions between organic pollutants and carbon nanomaterials and the associated impact on microbial availability and degradation in soil: a review ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO
172 王喜龙 Differential histological, cellular and organism-wide response of earthworms exposed to multi-layer graphenes with different morphologies and hydrophobicity ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
173 王喜龙 Carbon nanomaterials affect carbon cycle-related functions of the soil microbial community and the coupling of nutrient cycles JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
174 王喜龙 Chemical composition-dependent removal of cationic surfactants by carbon nanotubes SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
175 王喜龙 Potential application of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to improve the nutritional quality of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
176 王喜龙 TiO2 nanoparticle exposure on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.): dose-dependent deterioration of nutritional quality ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO
177 王喜龙 Application of TiO2 nanoparticles to reduce bioaccumulation of arsenic in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.): A mechanistic study Journal of hazardous materials
178 王喜龙 Removal of PAHs at high concentrations in a soil washing solution containing TX-100 via simultaneous sorption and biodegradation processes by immobilized degrading bacteria in PVA-SA hydrogel beads Journal of hazardous materials
179 王喜龙 Stronger impacts of long-term relative to short-term exposure to carbon nanomaterials on soil bacterial communities Journal of hazardous materials
180 王旭辉 Emergent constraint on crop yield response to warmer temperature from field experiments NATURE SUSTAINABILITY
181 王旭辉 Three-dimensional change in temperature sensitivity of northern vegetation phenology GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
182 王旭辉 Causes of slowing-down seasonal CO(2)amplitude at Mauna Loa GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
183 王旭辉 Improvement of the Irrigation Scheme in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model and Impacts of Irrigation on Regional Water Budgets Over China JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS
184 王旭辉 Diverging models introduce large uncertainty in future climate warming impact on spring phenology of temperate deciduous trees. Science Of The Total Environment
185 王学军 Occurrence and Fate of Heavy Metals in Municipal Wastewater in Heilongjiang Province, China: A Monthly Reconnaissance from 2015 to 2017 WATER
186 王学军 Significant elevation of human methylmercury exposure induced by the food trade in Beijing, a developing megacity ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
187 王学军 Simulation of the impact of the emergency control measures on the reduction of air pollutants: a case study of APEC blue ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT
188 王学军 Establishment of high-resolution atmospheric mercury emission inventories for Chinese cement plants based on the mass balance method ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
189 王学军 Methylmercury bioaccumulation in deepest ocean fauna: Implications for ocean mercury biotransport through food webs ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
190 王学军 The impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the fate of metal contaminants across the river-ocean continuum WATER RESEARCH
191 王愔 A Salt-Signaling Network Involving Ethylene, Extracellular ATP, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Calcium Mediates K+/Na+ Homeostasis in Arabidopsis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
192 王长松 What can the news tell us about the environmental performance of tourist areas? A text mining approach to China's National 5A Tourist Areas SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
193 王志恒 Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS
194 王志恒 Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Angiosperm Sexual Systems in China Differ Between Woody and Herbaceous Species FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
195 王志恒 Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity ECOLOGY LETTERS
196 王志恒 Phylogenetic conservatism and biogeographic affinity influence woody plant species richness-climate relationships in eastern Eurasia ECOGRAPHY
197 王志恒 Drivers of large-scale geographical variation in sexual systems of woody plants GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY
198 王志恒 Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
199 吴健生 Will polycentric cities cause more CO2 emissions? A case study of 232 Chinese cities JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
200 吴健生 Seasonal variations and main influencing factors of the water cooling islands effect in Shenzhen ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
201 吴健生 Exploring the Optimal Cost-Benefit Solution for a Low Impact Development Layout by Zoning, as Well as Considering the Inundation Duration and Inundation Depth SUSTAINABILITY
202 吴健生 The spatial non-stationary effect of urban landscape pattern on urban waterlogging: a case study of Shenzhen City SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
203 吴健生 Evidence of green space sparing to ecosystem service improvement in urban regions: A case study of China's Ecological Red Line policy JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
204 徐福留 The impacts of algae biological pump effect on the occurrence, source apportionment and toxicity of SPM-bound PAHs in lake environment SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
205 徐福留 Tissue distribution, bioaccumulation, and carcinogenic risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic organisms from Lake Chaohu, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
206 徐福留 New insights into spatiotemporal source apportionment of n-alkanes under mixed scenario: A pilot study on Lake Chaohu, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
207 徐福留 Residual concentrations and ecological risks of neonicotinoid insecticides in the soils of tomato and cucumber greenhouses in Shouguang, Shandong Province, East China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
208 徐福留 Spatiotemporal toxicity assessment of suspended particulate matter (SPM)-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Chaohu, China: Application of a source-based quantitative method SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
209 徐福留 Impacts of anthropogenic activities on spatial variations of phthalate esters in water and suspended particulate matter from China's lakes SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
210 徐福留 Nationwide health risk assessment of juvenile exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water body of Chinese lakes SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
211 徐福留 Influence of Cd exposure on H+ and Cd2+ fluxes in the leaf, stem and root of a novel aquatic hyperaccumulator - Microsorum pteropus CHEMOSPHERE
212 徐福留 Effects of pesticide residues on bacterial community diversity and structure in typical greenhouse soils with increasing cultivation years in Northern China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
213 杨小柳 A Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulic Model (XAJ-HiPIMS) for Flood Simulation WATER
214 姚蒙 A comprehensive and comparative evaluation of primers for metabarcoding eDNA from fish METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
215 姚蒙 Himalayan wolf distribution and admixture based on multiple genetic markers. Journal of Biogeography
216 张照斌 In vivo estrogenicity of p-phenoxyphenol and p-pentyloxyphenol SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
217 张照斌 Tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane (THPE), a trisphenol compound, is antiestrogenic and can retard uterine development in CD-1 mice ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
218 赵鹏军 Green economic efficiency and its influencing factors in China from 2008 to 2017: Based on the super-SBM model with undesirable outputs and spatial Dubin model SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
219 赵鹏军 Exploring the impact of factors influencing case selection in the place branding literature from 2014 to 2018 JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS
220 赵鹏军 Examining the effects of neighbourhood design on walking in growing megacity TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
221 赵鹏军 Investigating mobility in rural areas of China: Features, equity, and factors TRANSPORT POLICY
222 赵鹏军 Long commutes and transport inequity in China's growing megacity: New evidence from Beijing using mobile phone data TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY
223 赵鹏军 Commuting inequity and its determinants in Shanghai: New findings from big-data analytics TRANSPORT POLICY
224 赵鹏军 Effect of land use on shopping trips in station areas: Examining sensitivity to scale TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
225 赵鹏军 Unequable spatial accessibility to hospitals in developing megacities: New evidence from Beijing HEALTH & PLACE
226 赵鹏军 Smartness-induced Transport Inequality? Privacy Concern, Lacking Knowledge of Smartphone Use and Unequal Access to Transport Information Transport Policy
227 赵淑清 Comparing the spatial and temporal dynamics of urban expansion in Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 1975 to 2015: A case study of pioneer cities in China's rapid urbanization LAND USE POLICY
228 赵淑清 Trends and drivers of land surface temperature along the urban-rural gradients in the largest urban agglomeration of China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
229 赵淑清 Spatial scaling of multiple landscape features in the conterminous United States LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
230 赵昕奕 PM2.5 over North China based on MODIS AOD and effect of meteorological elements during 2003-2015 FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
231 周丰 Raindrop-induced ejection at soil-water interface contributes substantially to nutrient runoff losses from rice paddies AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT
232 周丰 Increased extreme hourly precipitation over China's rice paddies from 1961 to 2012 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
233 周丰 Deceleration of China's human water use and its key drivers PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
234 周丰 Exploring optimal nitrogen management strategies to mitigate nitrogen losses from paddy soil in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT
235 周丰 Nationwide estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via runoff from rice paddies using data-constrained model simulations Journal of Cleaner Production
236 朱彪 Dynamics of microbial residues control the responses of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to N addition in two temperate forests SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
237 朱彪 Linking absorptive roots and their functional traits with rhizosphere priming of tree species SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
238 朱彪 Sensitivity of soil carbon dynamics to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment in an alpine meadow SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
239 朱彪 Linking root respiration to chemistry and morphology across species GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
240 朱彪 Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to nitrogen addition: A meta-analysis GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
241 朱彪 Changes in microbial biomass, community composition and diversity, and functioning with soil depth in two alpine ecosystems on the Tibetan plateau PLANT AND SOIL
242 朱彪 Root exudation as a major competitive fine-root functional trait of 18 coexisting species in a subtropical forest NEW PHYTOLOGIST
243 朱彪 Effects of warming on carbon and nitrogen cycling in alpine grassland ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau: A meta-analysis GEODERMA
244 朱彪 Nitrogen addition has contrasting effects on particulate and mineral-associated soil organic carbon in a subtropical forest SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
245 朱彪 Responses of soil carbon decomposition to drying-rewetting cycles: A meta-analysis GEODERMA
246 朱彪 Changes in soil greenhouse gas fluxes by land use change from primary forest GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
247 朱彪 Soil microbial carbon and nutrient constraints are driven more by climate and soil physicochemical properties than by nutrient addition in forest ecosystems SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
248 朱彪 Particulate organic carbon is more vulnerable to nitrogen addition than mineral associated organic carbon in soil of an alpine meadow PLANT AND SOIL
249 朱彪 Root functional traits are key determinants of the rhizosphere effect on soil organic matter decomposition across 14 temperate hardwood species SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
250 朱彪 Changes of soil organic matter stability along altitudinal gradients in Tibetan alpine grassland PLANT AND SOIL
251 朱东强 Mechanisms for sulfide-induced nitrobenzene reduction mediated by a variety of different carbonaceous materials: Graphitized carbon-facilitated electron transfer versus quinone-facilitated formation of reactive sulfur species JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
252 朱东强 Surface quinone-induced formation of aqueous reactive sulfur species controls pine wood biochar-mediated reductive dechlorination of hexachloroethane by sulfide Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts
253 朱东强 Dissolved black carbon facilitates photoreduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) and reduces mercury uptake by lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
254 朱东强 Sulfide-induced reduction of nitrobenzene mediated by different size fractions of rice straw-derived black carbon: A key role played by reactive polysulfide species SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
255 朱东强 A significant correlation between kinetics of nitrobenzene reduction by sulfide and electron transfer capacity of mediating dissolved humic substances SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
256 朱东强 Enhanced adsorption of bisphenol A, tylosin, and tetracycline from aqueous solution to nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes via cation-p and p-p electron-donor-acceptor (EDA) interactions SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
257 朱东强 An investigation on hygroscopic properties of 15 black carbon (BC)-containing particles from different carbon sources: Roles of organic and inorganic components ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
258 朱东强 Role of extracellular polymeric substances in microbial reduction of arsenate to arsenite by Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
259 朱东强 Probing extracellular reduction mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli with nitroaromatic compounds SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
260 朱晟君 Consistencies and inconsistencies in urban governance and development CITIES
261 朱晟君 Inter- and intra-city networks: how networks are shaping China's film industry REGIONAL STUDIES
262 朱晟君 Regional industrial dynamics under the environmental pressures in China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
263 朱晟君 Strong links and weak links: how do unrelated industries survive in an “unfriendly” environment? Economic Geography
264 朱晟君 Networks of export markets and export market diversification Industrial and Corporate Change
265 朱晟君 Export structures, income inequality and urban-rural divide in China Applied Geography