


赌博平台 拔尖计划学生第一作者发表SCI文章

年份 论文题目 姓名 导师 年级
2022 Yuang Chen,7 Qianru Zhang,7 Xingrui Cai, Haoran Zhang, Huiming Lin, Chaoyue Zheng,Zhanqiang Guo, Shanying Hu, Long Chen, Shu Tao, Maodian Liu,* and Xuejun Wang*. Rapid Increase in China’s Industrial Ammonia Emissions: Evidence from Unit-Based Mapping. Environ. Sci. Technol, 2022, 56, 3375−3385 陈宇昂 王学军 2018
2021(8) Lubing Jiang, Hongyan Liu, Zhaoyu Peng. Root system plays an important role inresponses of plant to drought in the steppe of China. Land Degrad Dev.2021;1–9. 蒋璐冰 刘鸿雁 2016

Shuai Xu, Yan Sun and Shuqing Zhao. Contemporary Urban Expansion in the First Fastest Growing Metropolitan Region of China: A Multicity Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration from 1980 to 2015. Urban Sci. 2021, 5, 11. 徐帅 赵淑清 2015

Zhihao Zhang, Long Chen, Menghan Cheng, Maodian Liu*, Xuejun Wang *. Biotransport of mercury and human methylmercury exposure through crabs in China – A life cycle-based analysis.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 415 (2021) 125684 张志皓 王学军 2017

Yuxuan Wu, Yi Xi , Maoyuan Feng and Shushi Peng. Wetlands Cool Land Surface Temperature in Tropical Regions but Warm in Boreal Regions. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1439. 吴语萱 彭书时 2016

Zhaoyu Peng,Hongyan Liu,Lubing Jiang,Xu Liu,Jingyu Dai,Chongyang Xu,Zhiting Chen,Lu Wu,Feng Liu,Boyi Liang. Effect paths of environmental factors and community attributes on aboveground net primary productivity of a temperate grassland. Land Degrad Dev. 2021;1–1.DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3970 彭昭宇 刘鸿雁 2016

Wenjun Jiang, Weichen Huang, Hao Liang, Yali Wu, Xinrui Shi, Jin Fu,Qihui Wang, Kelin Hu, Lei Chen, Hongbin Liu, Feng Zhou. Is rice field a nitrogen source or sink for the environment? Environmental Pollution. 283 (2021) 117122 江文君 周丰 2017

Yatai Men, Jianpeng Li, Xinlei Liu, Yaojie Li, Ke Jiang, Zhihan Luo, Rui Xiong, Hefa Cheng, Shu Tao, Guofeng Shen.Contributions of internal emissions to peaks and incremental indoor PM2.5 in rural coal use households. Environmental Pollution.288(2021)117753 门亚太 沈国锋 2018

Jianpeng Li, Yatai Men, Xinlei Liu , Zhihan Luo, Yaojie Li, Huizhong Shen, Yilin Chen, Hefa Cheng , Guofeng Shen and Shu Tao. Field-based evidence of changes in household PM2.5 and exposure during the 2020 national quarantine in China. Environmental Research.16(2021)094020 李健鹏 沈国锋 2018
2020(7) Yun-Hao Bai, Si-Yi Zhang, Yanpei Guo, Zhiyao Tang⁎. Conservation status of Primulaceae, a plant family with high endemism, in China. Biological Conservation. 248 (2020) 108675 白云昊 唐志尧 2016

Peifeng Tong & Qianru Zhang & Huiming Lin & Xiaohu Jian & Xuejun Wang⁎. Simulation of the impact of the emergency control measures on the reduction of air pollutants: a case study of APEC blue. Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192: 116 童培峰 王学军 2016

Yibin Sun, Hongyang Cui, Tong Li, Shu Tao, Jianying Hu, Yi Wan*,Protein-affinity guided identification of chlorinated paraffin components as ubiquitous chemicals,Environment International,145, (2020),106165. 孙轶斌 万祎 2015

Si-Yi Zhang, Gheyur Gheyreta, Xiulian Chib, Yun-Hao Baia, Chengyang Zhenga, Zhiyao Tanga⁎. Representativeness of threatened terrestrial vertebrates in nature reserves in China. Biological Conservation. 246 (2020) 108599 张思怡 唐志尧 2014

Liting Meng, Yan Sun, Shuqing Zhao*.Comparing the spatial and temporal dynamics of urban expansion in Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 1975 to 2015: A case study of pioneer cities in China’s rapid urbanization. Land Use Policy. 97 (2020) 104753 孟丽婷 赵淑清 2014

Han Xiao, Yue Wang, Xiaojing Jia, Lei Yang, Xiaoning Wang, Xuan Guo, Zhaobin Zhang*.Tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane (THPE), a trisphenol compound, is antiestrogenic and can retard uterine development in CD-1 mice. Environmental Pollution 260 (2020) 113962 肖寒 张照斌 2013

Jingyu Dai, Hongyan Liu.Drought-modulated allometric patterns of trees in semi-arid forests. Communications Biology.(2020) 3:405 戴景钰 刘鸿雁 2013
2019(7) Yan, Y. Y., Xu, F. L. (2019).Cadmium accumulation capacity and resistance strategies of a cadmium-hypertolerant fern Microsorum fortunei.Science of the Total Environment .649. 1209–1223 阎蕴运 徐福留 2012

He, Yong; Wang, Qingmei; He, Wei; Xu, Fuliu. The occurrence, composition and partitioning of phthalate esters (PAEs) in the water-suspended particulate matter (SPM) system of Lake Chaohu, China.    Science of the Total Environment.661 (2019) 285–293 贺勇 徐福留 2014

Yong He, QingmeiWang,Wei He, Fuliu Xu. Phthalate esters (PAEs) in atmospheric particles around a large shallow natural lake (Lake Chaohu, China).Science of the Total Environment.687 (2019) 297–308 贺勇 徐福留 2014

Jing-Yi Wu, Wen-Xiu Liu, Wei He, Fu-Liu Xu. Comparisons of tissue distributions and health risks of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in two fish species with different trophic levels from Lake Chaohu, China     Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.185 (2019) 109666 吴婧一 徐福留 2014

Yi-Long Li,Wei He,Rui-Lin Wu,Baoshan Xing,Fu-Liu Xu. A general-applicable model for estimating the binding coefficient of organic pollutants with dissolved organic matter.Science of the Total Environment.670 (2019) 226–235 李一龙 徐福留 2011

Haoqi Zhao, Liu Liu, Yu Li, Fanrong Zhao, Shiyi Zhang, Di Mu, Jixuan Liu, Lihui An, Yi Wan, and Jianying Hu.Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Trophic Transfer of Oligomeric Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in an Aquatic Environment.Environmental Science & Technology Letters.(2019)6, 323−328 赵皓琪 胡建英 2012

He, Y., Hao, J. Y., He, W., Lam, K. C., & Xu, F. L. (2018).Spatiotemporal variations of aquatic ecosystem health status in tolo harbor, hong kong from 1986 to 2014. Ecological Indicators. 100 (2019) 20–29 贺勇 徐福留 2014
2018(10) Shiyi Zhang, Hui Peng, Di Mu, Haoqi Zhao, Jianying Hu.Simultaneous determination of (N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamido ethanol)-based phosphate diester and triester and their biotransformation to perfluorooctanesulfonate in freshwater sediments.Environmental Pollution.234 (2018) 821-829 张释义 胡建英 2011

Haoqi Zhao, Fanrong Zhao, Jixuan Liu, Shiyi Zhang, Di Mu, Lihui An, Yi Wan, Jianying Hu.Trophic transfer of organophosphorus flame retardants in a lake food web.Environmental Pollution.242 (2018) 1887-1893 赵皓琪 胡建英 2012

Yang Jiao & Chen Yang & Wei He & Wen-Xiu Liu & Fu-Liu Xu .The spatial distribution of phosphorus and their correlations in surface sediments and pore water in Lake Chaohu, China       Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(2018) 25:25906–25915 焦扬 徐福留 2011

Xu, Y., Shen, H., Yun, X., Gao, F., Chen, Y., & Li, B., et al. (2018). Health effects of banning beehive coke ovens and implementation of the ban in china:. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(11), 2693-2698. 许阳 陶澍 2011

Hong, S., Piao, S., Chen, A., Liu, Y., Liu, L., & Peng, S., et al. (2018). Afforestation neutralizes soil ph. Nature Communications, 9(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-02970-1 洪松柏 朴世龙 2012

Wang, C., Hou, L., Li, J., Xu, Z., Gao, T., & Yang, J., et al. (2018).Occurrence of diazepam and its metabolites in wastewater and surface waters in Beijing. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(18), 1-11. 王琮琮 李喜青 2010

Yan, Y. Y., Wang, J. J., Lan, X. Y., Wang, Q. M., & Xu, F. L. (2018). Comparisons of cadmium bioaccumulation potentials and resistance physiology of microsorum pteropus and echinodorus grisebachii. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 1-8 阎蕴运 徐福留 2012

Chen, P., Chen, C., & Li, X. (2018). Transport of antibiotic resistance plasmids in porous media and the influence of surfactants. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 12(2), 5. 陈培培 李喜青 2011

Zhang, Y., Ye, X., Yang, T., Li, J., Chen, L., & Zhang, W., et al. (2018). Evaluation of costs associated with atmospheric mercury emission reductions from coal combustion in china in 2010 and projections for 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 610-611, 796. 张悦 王学军 2012

Xiao X, Li J, Yu T, et al. Bisphenol AP is anti-estrogenic and may cause adverse effects at low doses relevant to human exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 242: 1625-1632. 肖璇 张照斌 2011
2017(8) Ashrap, P., Zheng, G., Wan, Y., Li, T., Hu, W., & Li, W., et al. (2017). Discovery of a widespread metabolic pathway within and among phenolic xenobiotics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(23), 201700558. 帕合丽娅 万祎 2011

Fu, X., Liu, J., Ban-Weiss, G. A., Zhang, J., Huang, X., & Ouyang, B., et al. (2017). Effects of canyon geometry on the distribution of traffic-related air pollution in a large urban area: implications of a multi-canyon air pollution dispersion model. Atmospheric Environment, 165, 111-121. 符祥文 刘俊峰 2011

Meng, W., Zhong, Q., Yun, X., Zhu, X., Huang, T., & Shen, H., et al. (2017). Improvement of a global high-resolution ammonia emissions inventory for combustion and industrial sources with new data from the residential and transportation sectors. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(5). 孟文君 陶澍 2013

Sun, Z., Zhu, Y., Zhuo, S., Liu, W., Zeng, E. Y., & Wang, X., et al. (2017). Occurrence of nitro- and oxy-pahs in agricultural soils in eastern china and excess lifetime cancer risks from human exposure through soil ingestion. Environment International, 108, 261-270. 孙柘 陶澍 2012

Sun Z, Liu J, Zhuo S, Chen Y, Zhang Y, & Shen H, et al. (2017). Occurrence and geographic distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in eastern china. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(13), 1-8. 孙柘 陶澍 2012

Xiong, G. N., Zhang, Y. H., Duan, Y. H., Cai, C. Y., Wang, X., & Li, J. Y., et al. (2017). Uptake of pahs by cabbage root and leaf in vegetable plots near a large coking manufacturer and associations with pahs in cabbage core. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(23), 18953-18965. 熊冠男 刘文新 2011

Jiao, Y., Ouyang, H. L., Jiang, Y. J., Kong, X. Z., He, W., & Liu, W. X., et al. (2017). Effects of phosphorus stress on the photosynthetic and physiological characteristics of chlorella vulgaris, based on chlorophyll fluorescence and flow cytometric analysis. Ecological Indicators, 78, 131-141. 焦扬 徐福留 2011

Zou, G. N., Shelach, G., Li, X. Q., Zhao, C., Rui, X., & Zhou, L. P., et al. (2017). Geochronology and paleoenvironment of the taoshan site, northeastern china, and archaeological implications. Quaternary International. 邹冠男 张家富 2012
2016(8) Qian, Y. Q., He, F. P., & Wei, W. (2016). Seasonality, rather than nutrient addition or vegetation types, influenced short-term temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition. Plos One, 11(4), e0153415. 钱雨奇 王娓 2010

Qiu, S., Liu, H., Zhao, F., & Liu, X. (2016). Inconsistent changes of biomass and species richness along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 132, 42-48. 邱爽 刘鸿雁 2010

Feng, M., Wang, Q., Hao, Q., Yin, Y., Song, Z., & Wang, H., et al. (2016). Determinants of soil erosion during the last 1600years in the forest–steppe ecotone in northern china reconstructed from lacustrine sediments. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,449, 79-84. 冯明敏 刘鸿雁 2010

Jin, W., Su, S., Wang, B., Zhu, X., Chen, Y., & Shen, G., et al. (2016). Properties and cellular effects of particulate matter from direct emissions and ambient sources. Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part A Toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 1-9. 金闻捷 陶澍 2011

Kang, L., Wang, Q. M., He, Q. S., He, W., Liu, W. X., & Kong, X. Z., et al. (2016). Current status and historical variations of phthalate ester (pae) contamination in the sediments from a large chinese lake (lake chaohu). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(11), 10393-10405. 康磊 徐福留 2012

Fan, J., Wang, Y., Zhou, Z., You, N., & Meng, J. (2016). Dynamic ecological risk assessment and management of land use in the middle reaches of the heihe river based on landscape patterns and spatial statistics. Sustainability, 8(6), 536. 范佳慧 蒙吉军 2012

Wang, J., Peng, J., Zhao, M., Liu, Y., & Chen, Y. (2017). Significant trade-off for the impact of grain-for-green programme on ecosystem services in north-western yunnan, china. Science of the Total Environment, 574, 57-64. 王冀韬 彭建 2012

Li, Y., Meng, J., Liu, J., Xu, Y., Guan, D., & Tao, W., et al. (2016). Interprovincial reliance for improving air quality in china: a case study on black carbon aerosol. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(7). 李昀 陶澍 2012
2015(7) Zhou, B., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Li, W., Chen, H., & Zhang, Y., et al. (2015). Daily variations of size-segregated ambient particulate matter in beijing. Environmental Pollution, 197, 36-42. 周邦天 陶澍 2010

Zhang, Z., Peng, H., Wan, Y., & Hu, J. (2015). Isomer-specific trophic transfer of perfluorocarboxylic acids in the marine food web of liaodong bay, north china. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(3), 1453-61. 张众 胡建英 2010

Gao, S., Wan, Y., Zheng, G., Luo, K., Kannan, K., & Giesy, J. P., et al. (2015). Organobromine compound profiling in human adipose: assessment of sources of bromophenol. Environmental Pollution, 204, 81-89. 高世雄 万祎 2010

Sadiq, M., Tao, W., Liu, J., & Tao, S. (2015). Air quality and climate responses to anthropogenic black carbon emission changes from east asia, north america and europe. Atmospheric Environment, 120, 262-276. 麦合力亚尔 刘俊峰 2010

Wu, J., Yu, C., Tan, Y., Hou, Z., Li, M., & Shao, F., et al. (2015). Effects of prenatal exposure to silver nanoparticles on spatial cognition and hippocampal neurodevelopment in rats. Environmental Research, 138, 67-73. 武金津 卢晓霞 2011

Ru, M., Tao, S., Smith, K., Shen, G., Shen, H., & Huang, Y., et al. (2015). Direct energy consumption associated emissions by rural-to-urban migrants in beijing. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(22), 13708. 汝牧野 陶澍 2011

Yi-Long Li, Wei He, Wen-Xiu Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Bin Yang, Chen Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2015). Influences of binding to dissolved organic matter onhydrophobic organic compounds in a multi-contaminant system: Coefficients, mechanismsand ecological risks. Environmental Pollution 206: 461-468. 李一龙 徐福留 2011
2014(5) Li XY, Liu JF*, Mauzerall DL, Emmons LK, Walters S, Horowitz LW, Tao S: Effects of Tans-Eurasian Transport of Air Pollutants on Surface Ozone Concentrations over Western China, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 119, 12,338–12,354, doi:10.1002/2014JD021936, 2014.


刘俊峰 2008

Guo, H., Lin, H., Zhang, W., Deng, C., Wang, H., & Zhang, Q., et al. (2014). Influence of meteorological factors on the atmospheric mercury measurement by a novel passive sampler. Atmospheric Environment, 97( SI), 310-315. 郭昊丽 王学军 2010

Zhang, P., He, C., & Sun, Y. (2014). Agglomeration economies and firm r&d efforts: an analysis of china’s electronics and telecommunications industries. Annals of Regional Science, 53(3), 671-701. 张鹏 贺灿飞 2011

Shen, Z., Liu, J., Horowitz, L. W., Henze, D. K., Fan, S., & Levy, H. I., et al. (2014). Analysis of transpacific transport of black carbon during hippo-3: implications for black carbon aging. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics,14(12), 505-540. 沈肇怡 陶澍 2009

Chen, Y., Wang, R., Shen, H., Li, W., Chen, H., & Huang, Y., et al. (2014). Global mercury emissions from combustion in light of international fuel trading. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(3), 1727-1735. 陈怡琳 陶澍 2009
2013(6) Liu, Y., Liu, J., & Tao, S. (2013). Interannual variability of summertime aerosol optical depth over east asia during 2000-2011: a potential influence from el niño southern oscillation. Environmental Research Letters, 8(4), 4034. 刘伊琨 刘俊峰 2009

Yan, Y., Yang, X., & Tang, Z. (2013). Patterns of species diversity and phylogenetic structure of vascular plants on the qinghai-tibetan plateau. Ecology & Evolution, 3(13), 4584. 闫昱晶 唐志尧 2009

Liu, G., Liu, H., & Yin, Y. (2013). Global patterns of ndvi-indicated vegetation extremes and their sensitivity to climate extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 8(2), 279-288. 刘果 刘鸿雁 2008

Liu, G., Yin, Y., Liu, H., & Hao, Q. (2013). Quantifying regional vegetation cover variability in north china during the holocene: implications for climate feedback. Plos One, 8(8), e71681. 刘果 刘鸿雁 2008

He, C., Liu, J., Carlton, A. G., & Fan, S. (2013). Evaluation of factors controlling global secondary organic aerosol production from cloud processes. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 13(4), 1913-1926. 贺涔霖 刘俊峰 2008

Zhang X, Xu Y, Zhou L. Optimization of programmed temperature vaporization injector-preparative capillary gas chromatography for compound specific radiocarbon analysis. Journal of separation science (2013) 1-20 张鑫雨 周力平 2008