近日,正规赌博平台-推荐可靠的网络赌博平台 唐志尧教授课题组完成了中国陆地自然生态系统不同组分(植物叶、茎、根、凋落物、土壤)氮、磷含量和密度的高分辨率空间分布制图,并揭示了其空间分布格局,论文以“Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China”为题发表在Earth System Science Data (ESSD)期刊(链接://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-5337-2021)。
课题组在前期工作的基础上,与合作者利用近5000个野外样点的实地调查数据,采用随机森林模型完成了分辨率为1km的中国陆地自然生态系统不同组分(根、茎、叶、凋落物和土壤)氮、磷含量和密度空间分布制图。研究发现,中国的森林、灌丛和草地生态系统的总氮储量为6803.6 Tg N,其中6635.2 Tg N(97.5%)储存在土壤(1 m深度)中,156.7 Tg N储存在植被中(2.2%),11.7 Tg N (0.2%)储存在掉落物中;总磷储量为2806.0 Tg P,其中2786.1 Tg P(99.3%)储存在土壤(1 m深度)中,18.8 Tg P(0.6%)储存在植被中,1.0 Tg P(< 0.1%)储存在凋落物中。除西北、东北山区外,中国北方的生态系统氮密度较低,而青藏高原东部和云南的生态系统氮密度较高;植被磷密度在中国南部和东北部较高,而土壤磷密度在北部和西部较高(图1)。植被类型和水热气候条件是影响生态系统氮、磷密度以及不同组分之间养分分配的主要因素,优越环境下的植被倾向于将养分分配于有利于生长的器官。本研究为生态系统养分循环的大尺度研究提供了数据支持,有助于提升陆地生态系统模型的预测精度。
图1 中国陆地生态系统氮、磷密度的空间分布格局图
唐志尧课题组近年来在中国植物化学计量特征的分布格局、养分的器官分配及其与生态系统生产力之间的联系等方面开展了系统性工作,系列研究成果发表于PNAS, ESSD, Journal of Ecology, Plant and Soil, Biogeosciences等国际著名刊物。
Tang ZY et al. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS 115: 4033-4038.
Zhang Y-W, Guo YP, Tang ZY* et al. 2021. Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Earth System Science Data 13, 5337–5351.
Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*, 2020. The community‐level scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus changes with plant growth, climate and nutrient limitation. Journal of Ecology 108: 1276–1286.
Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*. 2020. Climate and vegetation together control the vertical distribution of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in shrublands in China. Plant and Soil 456: 15-26.
Yang X, …, Tang ZY*. 2016. Variations of leaf N, P concentrations in shrubland biomes across Northern China: phylogeny, climate and soil. Biogeoscience 13: 4429-4438.
Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*. 2017. Legume shrubs are more nitrogen-homeostatic than non-legume shrubs. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 8: 1662.
Yang X, Tang ZY*, et al. 2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrubland biomes across Northern China. Scientific Reports 4: 5448.
Guo YP, ..., Tang ZY*. 2021. Environmental constraints on the inter-genus variation in the scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 616-627.