报名通知 | 第五届北大赌博 国际青年论坛
1、 论坛介绍
I. About the Forum
北大赌博 国际青年论坛由正规赌博平台-推荐可靠的网络赌博平台 设立,旨在为地理、资源与环境、生态等领域的青年学者提供一个多学科交叉的高水平交流平台。论坛通过专题报告、学术研讨和人才洽谈等形式,增进海内外青年学者对北京大学相关学科的全面了解,汇聚一批学术成果突出、具有较好创新发展潜力的优秀青年人才加盟学院,共促未来发展。论坛将与“第九届北大地理•环境讲坛”一起举办。
Established by the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences of Peking University, the PKU-CUES International Young Scholar Forum aims to provide a multidisciplinary and high-level exchange platform for young scholars in the fields of geography, resources and environment, and ecology. The Forum is intended to help the young scholars from home and abroad to have a comprehensive understanding about the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University. Through such forms as thematic reports, academic seminars and talent talks, the Forum is to attract excellent young scholars who have made remarkable academic progresses and show outstanding potential in innovation and development to contribute to the College’s development. The Forum will be held together with the Ninth Geography and Environment Forum of Peking University.
Time: December 10, 2023
Meeting form: offline and online
线下:中国/北京/北京大学/赌博平台 303报告厅
Venue: 303 Lecture Hall, the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences (CUES), Peking University, Beijing, China
Online:Tencent Meeting
II. Qualifications required
The excellent scholars, under the age of 40, who are interested in working with CUES in the next five years, should be specialized in geography, ecology, environmental science or land spatial planning, and have a doctor’s degree from a prestigious university or have post-doctoral or overseas working experience. Young scholars should show exceptional innovation ability and development potential, and hold remarkable research results.
III. Remuneration
For young top-notch talents, they will have a professional title of Assistant Professor or above, competitive remuneration at the forefront of domestic colleges and universities, the research start-up fund, the post-doc team and the recruitment quota of doctoral students, and China’s first-rate resources of pre-school and compulsory education for their children.
IV. Important dates
V. Registration
将个人简历(含联系方式和报告题目)以邮件形式发送至邮箱[email protected],邮件主题注明“姓名+北大赌博 国际青年论坛”。
Please get registered by November 13, 2023, and send the personal resume, contact information and report title to [email protected]. Please title the email in the form of “ Scholar’s Name + PKU-CUES International Young Scholar Forum”.
The College will organize experts to preliminary select applicants before November 20, 2023.
The College will send the letter of invitation to the invitees before November 20, 2023.
VII. Contact Information
Contact Person: Ms. Wang
Tel.: +86-10-62751170
E-mail: [email protected]