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第一届北大赌博 国际青年论坛通知(Notice - The 1st PKU-CUES International Young Scholar Forum)




I. About the Forum


The Forum is intended to help the young scholars from home and abroad to have a comprehensive understanding about the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences (CUES), Peking University. Through such forms as special reports, academic seminars and talent talks, the Forum is to attract excellent young scholars who have made remarkable academic achievements and show outstanding potential in innovation and development to contribute to the College’s development. The forum will be held together with the Fifth Geography and Environment Forum of Peking University with an estimated audience of 400.


Time: December 7, 2019


Venue: Sunshine Hall, Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University, Beijing, China


II. Qualifications required


The excellent young scholars less than 40 years who are interested in working with CEUS in five years, should be specialized on geography, ecology, environmental science or land spatial planning, and have a doctor’s degree from a prestigious university or experience in conducting postdoc research or working aboard. Young scholars should show exceptional innovation ability and development potential, and hold remarkable research results.


III. Remuneration



For young top-notch talents, they will have a professional title of assistant professor and above, competitive remuneration at the forefront of domestic colleges and universities, a research start-up fund, a post-doc team and a recruitment quota of doctoral students, an apartment purchase with special price (1/3 of the market price), and China’s first-rate resources of pre-school age education and compulsory education for their children.


IV. Schedule

2019.10.26 报名截止

October 26, 2019: Deadline for registration

2019.10.31 学院根据报名情况邀请优秀学者参加论坛

October 31, 2019: The college invites outstanding scholars to participate in the forum according to the application

2019.12.06 全天报到

December 06, 2019: Registration

2019.12.07 上午:第五届北大地理?环境讲坛特邀学术报告

December 07, 2019(Morning): Invited Academic Report, the Fifth Geography and Environment Forum of Peking University

2019.12.07 下午:受邀青年学者主题报告

December 07, 2019(Afternoon): Theme report of invited Young Scholars


V. Registration

2019年10月26日之前:将个人简历(含联系方式和报告题目)以邮件形式发送至相关[email protected],邮件主题注明“姓名+北大赌博 国际青年论坛”

Please get registered by October 26, 2019, and send the personal resume, contact information and report title to [email protected]. Please title the email in the form of the Scholar’s Name + PKU-CUES International Young Scholar Forum.


The College will organize experts to preliminary selection of applicants for travel and accommodation support before October 30, 2019.


The College shall send the letter of invitation to the invitees before October 31, 2019.


VI. Travel Expenses


Invitees shall book their flight and hotel. CUES will cover round-trip economy air ticket (cost-based reimbursement no more than 15,000 Yuan for international flight and no more than 5,000 Yuan for domestic flight) and accommodation (cost-based reimbursement no more than 450 Yuan/night) for invitees. If it is difficult to make reservations, CUES can provide assistance. CUES will arrange working lunch and dinner during the forum.


VII. Contact Information

联系人:唐琳 博士

Contact Person: Dr. Tang Lin


Tel.: +86-10-62751170

邮箱:[email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]